As we all know, a spiritual journey is not all rainbows and butterflies. The pains of growing can be deep and heavy. We are in the process of learning to truly feel, observe and be present with our pain to release it and so at times, the emotions can feel as if they are reaching new levels and the darkness can feel darker than ever before. Sometimes you may wake up in a negative headspace with a low vibration for no apparent reason, other times the dramas that play out in our lives may trigger us into dense and low emotions. Often it is our minds that tell us stories and we conjure up negative emotions as a result of negative thinking patterns.
We live in a universe that is governed by the law of attraction and unfortunately, when we are in these low vibrational states, we begin to attract more variables that could go wrong. We’ve all had those days when nothing goes our way and our current vibration is reflected back at us in our physical reality only to heighten the distress. On my personal path, I have come to accept that a continuous high vibrational set point is an impossibility. The universe has rhythm, we must learn to embrace the ups and downs, I find peace in understanding that we cannot resist the inevitable flow of life but we can learn to ride the waves more gracefully and from a place of non-resistance.
Please remember that you are never truly going backwards, even if you feel as though you are descending, you are not, you are always ascending on the spiral of life and all of your pain serves your expansion. Our vibration is ultimately shifting in accordance with the planet and whilst we move into these higher frequencies, we are called to let go of old patterns, belief systems, and dense vibrational frequencies within us that have no place in these new energies. We are expanding and our emotional body serves as a compass when growing, it can lead us through our pain and deeper into those fifth-dimensional moments of bliss.
This article serves to assist you in times of distress. I want to remind you that pain is always telling you that you need to make a change. I want to remind you that you have the ability to use your newfound consciousness to process and transcend your pain without resistance and avoid moving deeper into turmoil unnecessarily. I want to remind you that you are the observer of this life. I want to remind you that you are a powerful creator. I want to remind you of your divinity.
Feel The Feeling
‘If you’re feeling it you’re healing it’, a common term used within the spiritual community and rightly so. The days of running away from our pain are over; we must truly feel into the emotion to process and release it sufficiently to avoid creating further trauma and move closer to attaining the greatest version of ourselves. Much of what we are feeling will have surfaced based on old patterns, traumas and belief systems that no longer serve us. You have been given an opportunity to heal.
You may wish to grab your journal or your tarot cards and contemplate your situation, sometimes ‘aha!’ moments can occur and we suddenly come into new information about ourselves only to find that our situation can improve drastically. Remember that your external reality is merely a reflection of what is going on inside of you. Look for patterns that may be occurring, how can you break the pattern? Look for belief systems in place, how can you change your belief system? Look for past traumas that have occurred that may be linked to your current situation. Ask yourself, ‘when was the first time I felt this feeling?’. If a memory arises then use meditation to go back to your memory and rewrite it, your childhood self can be comforted and release can be found in forgiveness. There are a multitude of spiritual teachings out there that can assist you with your inner work, this article does not focus specifically on this but if you resonate with a call to heal right now then throw yourself into the topic of inner work. You have the power to locate the root cause of a topic that may be repeating and when we pull a weed out by the roots, we eliminate it completely.
You may find yourself in a situation where you are confused or uncertain about what the emotion is you are feeling and why you are feeling it. Sometimes we cannot find answers and we must release the want to understand everything all of the time. Remember we are infinite spiritual beings and the lives we’ve lived before this still reside deep within us. It is also important to remember that the current ascension process is propelling the planet and its inhabitants on a turbulent journey and we are experiencing the emotions of those around us as well as the collective at large.
Importantly when an intense negative emotion arises for whatever reason we must truly feel it. When we push our emotions down with distractions and overly positive thinking is only adds to the blockage and we detach from our ability to authentically feel. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want you to feel as though I am being insensitive, I understand that going into our pain is one of the scariest things we can possibly do but moving through it can only reward us in the most beautiful ways.
After personal introspection and when you are left with an emotion, remember your power as the observer. Lay down or assume your meditation position and begin to direct your attention inwards. Try your best to detach from thinking at this point, your thoughts will simply add to the emotional energy charge. Instead, focus your attention on the inner energy field of the body, really feel the emotion from within. When you catch your mind wandering, simply bring your attention back into the body without judgment. Feel the energy of the emotion, with this much presence we are able to feel it somatically within the body and different emotions can be felt in various parts of the physical body. You may wish to practice this for as long as you intuitively feel is necessary for you. After being the watching consciousness, you may feel guided to practice visualisation to release the emotion. Be creative with your visualisations. I often see the emotion expanding outwards from my physical body in waves like ripples on water. I may then see a golden light gently enter my crown and gradually make its way through my chakra system.
Remembering Your Self-Mastery
When we are in a low vibration we have a tendency to allow our negative thoughts to consume us and our true power as the observer can be temporarily forgotten. The negative thoughts themselves have a gravitational pull that will likely be hard to resist and we can allow ourselves to entertain these thoughts as they go around and around. Ask yourself, how did I end up feeling like this in the first place? When we focus on something for long enough we give it enough energy and momentum to manifest as emotions. Much of your upset will be because of the mind, how long will you allow it to tell you stories? Raise your awareness and choose to only assess a situation using thinking for as long as is truly needed, don’t allow your mind to add stuff to the situation.
Taking control of the mind in this way is not effortlessly done, the ego does not simply back down. However, remember that you have the power to instantly break these negative thought patterns by simply redirecting yourself to the present moment as soon as you become aware that you are lost in unconscious thought processes. There is no mind in the present moment, we are not thinking about the past or the future and there are no emotions. The present moment is, therefore, a gift that can allow you to briefly step out of your pain and into a place where the ego does not reside, in this space we can connect with our true nature, oneness. You may only find yourself in this moment for a split second before the mind begins thinking again, try not to judge yourself when you slip back into thinking. Remember that you can observe the mind and watch the thoughts go by just as you would watch people go by in a park. The more you exercise your self-mastery in these moments of low vibrational frequency, the more you begin to generate higher vibrations within you.
Trusting the Process
When we find ourselves in a low vibration, feelings of doubt and uncertainty can creep into our being and we can quickly forget how much we have previously trusted in the universe and the process. Sometimes really trusting in the flow of the current is the key to letting go. Whilst taking action and being disciplined is a part of our journey we must also understand that we cannot control our lives as this will create resistance. Trusting the process and remembering that everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to be happening can generate a feeling of release within us, we no longer feel trapped in our third-dimensional reality as we remember the magic of divine order. At this point, we can really adopt an attitude of curiosity and say ‘I wonder what will happen next?’. Remember that our pain will always gently pass and we will begin to see the positives of the situation as our perspective changes.
Final Words
Waking up and remembering who we truly are is both challenging and indescribably beautiful; slipping back into the illusion is part of this process. When you find yourself residing in a low vibrational frequency remember that none of the external things matter because they are simply a reflection of what is going on inside of you, therefore a low vibration presents us with the opportunity to heal. We can also become a student of self-mastery by shifting our awareness to the position of the observer and suddenly we find peace in the present moment. Finally we can never underestimate the power of trusting the universe and the mysterious forces at work. We may not be able to comprehend how the process works but we can feel that the universe loves us and is holding our hand as we are guided closer to the light at all times.
Lower vibrational frequencies may be part of the process but they do not reflect your truth. You can choose to move into a higher vibrational frequency by using your act of free will. You are a powerful creator, you are the master of yourself, this is the power of source and it resides in all of us. Simply close your eyes, bring your attention to the calming sensation of your breath, feel the life flowing through you and remember your divinity.
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