Picture in your mind, a flower. What colour is the flower? You may not be able to explain how you are ‘seeing’ without seeing but you are, this is your mind’s eye.
I view my ability to visualise as a superpower that may be utilized at any moment to create, manipulate and design the reality that I wish to experience. Mental imagery can be used to manifest instantly for various purposes such as to relieve anxiety or clear the mind of unwanted thoughts. It can also be used with the intention of bringing a more long term goal or desire into your world.
When you come to experience the instant or more long terms effects of visualisation, you build up your trust and belief in it, only enhancing the magic that unfolds. As you play with the power of your mind’s eye, you will master and mould the flexible energy within the dimension that you live in and you will learn to bring your wildest wishes into reality.
How does it work? Long term manifestation using visualisation
Many that choose to throw themselves into the study and practice of the well-known law of attraction, will often use visualisation techniques to manifest their dreams through visualising achieving their desired outcome. This can be extremely effective as it reprograms the subconscious mind that has a large part in creating our outer experience.
When we play out a scenario in our mind’s eye, our brain cannot tell the difference between what it sees with its physical eye and its ‘spiritual’ one. We then generate an emotion within us as if the experience was truly taking place, this emotion coupled with an illusory physical experience is significant in bringing a more tangible outcome into our life.
It is important to remember that everything created by us in this world, first began as a thought in the mind. Everything begins in the lighter unseen spiritual dimensions of existence and when given enough energy through thought, then builds up enough momentum to project and manifest itself into the more dense physical world around us through what we perceive as physical time.
Although visualisation really does take the physical form of a mystical genie lamp with unlimited wishes, remember that it is a tool that should be coupled with inner work as well as action. We must delve into the depths of our inner world to identify blockages within ourselves that may be repelling our manifestation and preventing us from becoming an energetic match to receiving our desired outcome. Equally as important, we must remember that we are capable of creating our own forward-moving energy through our actions that are deliberately performed to bring us closer to our dreams.

How does it work? Instant Manifestation Using Visualisation
I use a multitude of creative visualisations on a daily basis and the vast majority of them are used to bring about immediate effects that I can reap the benefits of instantly. We have to remember that everything around us is simply energy vibrating at different frequencies. Though quantum physics may be beginning to show us this, there are also aspects of the energetic based universe that are not yet discovered through scientific methods, cannot be perceived through human eyes and are unable to be comprehended with the human brain.
Just as we can sculpt our life’s happenings and our inner happenings, we can also manipulate the energetic universe that we live in. Activating and working with our minds eye, we can tap into the inherent power that we possess in order to create in this dimension and beyond. Through working with energy, we can interact with the unseen dimensions around us, creating a more harmonious, masterful and outright magical experience in day to day life.
Such visualisations are also crucial in building up trust and general belief in the power of visualisation. As we use them more and more, we see their effectiveness, gradually building up our faith and creating a snowball effect, so to speak. Through time, our techniques become increasingly more and more powerful as our belief system enhances.
Most of the visualisations that I use come to me through intuitive guidance over time or through instant flashes of inspiration. Remember that your mind’s eye is a blank canvas and you are the boundless artist, there is absolutely no limit to the creative imagery that you can envision.
So if you’re keen to awaken the energy worker within you, here are a few of my favourite visualisations that can be used on a daily basis to create your reality, enhance your belief, master your world and allow for more flow and harmony.
1. Invisibility Visualisation
This visualisation works well to release, dissolve or alleviate any emotion that you may be feeling, I find it works excellently with anxiety in particular. Begin by taking some long deep breathes to come into the moment and centre yourself. Close your eyes and bring your focus to the emotion that you are feeling and try to locate its presence in the body. Sit with the emotion and see it as a black smokey-like substance.
Next, picture yourself sitting in the position that you are at, gradually see yourself fading out until your physical body is almost entirely invisible. Now bring your attention back to the emotion you are feeling and see it as smoke gradually drifting to the outer edge of your transparent body and easily passing through you into the atmosphere where it disperses. Continue with the visualisation for as long as you feel is necessary and pay attention to the intensity of the feeling as it gradually decreases or disappears completely.

2. Angelic Embrace
This visualisation is simple and an absolute saving grace if you find yourself afraid, anxious, alone, panicked or just generally spiralling out of control. It provides an instant sense of comfort in any situation. Where ever you are simply visualise an angel of any appearance, simply let the mental imagery flow. See the angel holding and embracing you whatever position you are in. See it enveloping you with its wings, bathing you with comfort, protection and love. Notice your emotional experience change.
I believe we all have angels that follow us in life and we can call them in at any time. They carry with them a particular energy that you will become familiar with once you begin consciously working with them.
3. Wiping Thoughts Clean
This visualisation is particularly useful when meditating as it works to clear away thoughts in the mind space to return to inner emptiness. Begin by picturing the mind as a glass window, the thoughts acting as dirt clouding up the window. Now visualise wiping the window clean, allowing for its transparency to return. Notice an instant peace in the headspace, a release of congested thoughts and a slowing down of any fast-paced inner monologue.
Final Words
The spiritual laws of this universe are far less limiting than the physical ones. In the minds eye, anything is possible as the world around us is transformed into an energetic playground. Through incorporating visualisation into our daily life, the mind becomes a wondrous tool, the world around us becomes less rigid and we truly harness our power as creator beings.
With Gratitude,

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