Many of us are troubled with a sense of disconnection from the people, places, and objects around us. From childhood, we can find ourselves feeling ‘different’ and we begin to perceive ourselves as an ‘outcast’ in this world. As we carry this perception of ourselves into adulthood, we may be constantly seeking acceptance or perhaps we run away from belonging (towards freedom) out of a deep-seated fear of non-acceptance. This only magnifies our sense of disconnection and we attract more of it into our lives.

We are social creatures and this world can be a lonely place without a feeling of belonging. In reality, we all want to belong, it’s a basic human need and we cannot un-need what we need, our very survival depends on it. The meaning of belonging itself is to be part of something. True belonging is to be fundamentally part of that thing without the dangers of exclusion. For example ostracization from a club entails that true belonging was never really there in the first place since it has been taken away from us.

A true sense of belonging holds one of the highest vibrational frequencies in existence and if we can create a sense of belonging within us then we can really taste our true nature that is oneness. We are all part of one giant organism that makes up our universe and connection can be found in all that surrounds us.

Similarities and Differences

To belong, we must feel part of those around us and a feeling of connectedness can be found though seeing the similarities between ourselves and others that we encounter daily. The ego will create differences because it can only survive through separation. If we perceive those that surround us as different, with every thought we create separation and push them away, this fills us with a feeling of disconnection.

When you catch yourself judging an individual, simply direct your thoughts towards how you can relate to them. Importantly when trying to create a sense of connection, we must give up the need to always be right. We often find ourselves expecting people to be a certain way but we must begin to accept people for exactly who they are. Instead of expecting them to be a certain way, love them for who they are, accept them fully and project unconditional love onto them.

The law of attraction will never allow you to be alone; you are always a vibrational match to the people that are in your reality. Decide to focus on why and how an individual is a reflection of you and choose to see the similarities rather than the differences.

You may have felt different all your life but in reality, we are all one and we all belong to this human experience at this time. Look at the people around you and see them as your brothers and sisters, see the god in everyone as they create their reality just as you create yours. Remember also that we all experience pain and although our lives come with there own complexities we are all souls on a journey and we are all the embodiment of love.

As you begin to change your beliefs and thought patterns towards recognising the similarities in those around you, you can watch as you begin to attract more people into your life with greater similarities and connection comes more easily.

Authenticity and Acceptance of Self

Those of us that suffer from a feeling of not belonging often reject our true selves and we begin to change who we are within social situations to fit in and feel accepted. We then find ourselves with an inauthentic sense of belonging, one where our presence within that group may be short-lived since we have projected a false sense of self into it. How can we find belonging if it means losing our sense of self? We must begin to belong to ourselves to find genuine belonging amongst others.

On our journey to belonging, we may become conscious of a deep fear of not being accepted and instead fully embrace our authenticity to attract a deep sense of genuine belonging. We must accept who we are and find self-love through authenticity. Just as we must refrain from judging others, we must refrain from judging ourselves, just as we must accept others, we must accept ourselves and just as we must seek connection with others, we must find connection with our true self.

As we come to realise on this path, our outer reality is always a reflection of our inner reality. True belonging will flow freely to you once you take action developing your true self and give up the need to fit in. It could, therefore, be said that belonging is an internal journey rather than an external one. Once we realise our interests and passions and go in the direction of them, we suddenly find ourselves surrounded by people that mirror those same interests and a deep feeling of belonging can begin to manifest.

When we find connection within a group where we are able to express our complete authentic self, our fears diminish as we can begin to truly realise that we are fine just as we are. Show your true self despite the fears of non-acceptance and watch as belonging flows into your life.

We cannot stand alone as human beings, connection is a basic human need and we should not attempt to transcend this need but instead embrace it as part of our make up. We can start by focussing on the similarities between those around us and not only accepting others for who they are but also accepting ourselves for who we really are. 

As we move closer to belonging we simultaneously move closer to oneness and our true divinity. We can come to realise that the universe fully accepts us for who we are. We belong to this world and everything we perceive within it because we are all energy and we are all part of Source or God. The more we can truly begin to see the world in this way, the more we will find freedom within belonging.

With Gratitude 🙂

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