The mind is a relentless breeding ground for thoughts. We only have to observe the mind machine during meditation to realise its incessant nature. On my journey of gradually quietening the busy inner chatter, I have intuitively discovered a powerful visualisation that works to ‘reset’ and create a spaciousness within the mind.
The Energy Behind It
When we think a thought, with careful observation, we can feel it being produced in the headspace. The thought is a subtle form of energy and we can consider it to be an entity in and of itself.
Each thought form holds a particular vibrational frequency (as does everything in this energetic universe). We learn from the universal law of attraction, that any particular vibrational frequency attracts like frequencies unto itself. In other words, we think a thought and this attracts a similar thought.
If we direct our thoughts in a particular direction for some time, we will build up a momentum of thought that stampedes its way through our mind. Occasionally, powerful thought streams can be overwhelming and difficult to break out of.
This simple visualisation will not only pull us out of compulsive thought patterns and loud inner chatter, but it will also clear out the dwelling vibrations of previous thoughts that linger on in the mind space.
Immediately after the technique, we feel a sense of inner emptiness and tranquillity. With careful attention and focus, we can remain in this liberated state, until we lose ourself in the mind as it births another thought stream.
The Visualisation
This practice is by no means rigid, feel free to allow your intuition to guide you through your personalised creations within the mind’s eye. The basis for the technique remains the same, as we simply intend to clear the mind of thought-forms.
Begin by closing your eyes and centring yourself through focussing on your breath, if the mind wanders, simply bring it back without judgment.
When you feel ready, begin to feel the inner energy field of the head. Feel a sensation within your mind as you produce a thought. Focus in on this space, trying to focus only on the sensation itself as the thoughts slip away. (If you are experiencing a busy mind, the sensation may feel like a subtle aching or throbbing).
Visualise items in your mind that represent the thought forms. I see different coloured shapes all stacked up on top of one another. You may choose to imitate my visualisation or allow your personal formation to emerge. For example, perhaps you see a pile of snow or rose petals.
When you feel ready (either physically or visually), bring your hand up and simply push out the items and allow them to fall out of your mind and into the earth. Carry on with this until you feel that you have successfully emptied your mind. (Let the visualisation unfold by itself, I sometimes clean my mind space like I would a window!).
Focus your attention on the spaciousness that you have created within your mind. You may feel a sense of inner peace as you are relieved of your mental energetic baggage and the urge to think subsides. Feel into the stillness as you settle into your freedom and beingness beyond thought.
Final Words
Don’t be discouraged if you find that the mind is working again shortly after the clearing visualisation. You may find it easier to surrender into the no-thingness if you are accustomed to being the observer of the mind process. The length of time you spend in the space between the thoughts once the clearing has taken place will differ each time you practice the technique.
Anyone can let go of their thoughts with intention even for a few seconds, yet it is the powerful magnetic pull of the energetic frequencies of our thoughts that bring us back into an unconscious thought stream. This visualisation aids in clearing out the headspace and ultimately slowing down the mind. It can also assist in preventing getting lost within powerful chains of thought that keep us up at night and generate painful emotions.
This technique does not resist the thinking process, rather it transcends it. Not only does it provide us with transient freedom from the mind, but it also allows us to rest in our true nature, allowing for our divinity to radiate through our newly crafted space within.
With Gratitude,

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Love it!! Love you, Jasmine :)))