As the year of clarity divinely transpires in front of us, it brings with it a dark night of the soul for humanity. Yet, we intuitively know that this is the necessary ‘jolt’ that is required for us to see past the dusty illusion. Through unfoldment of time, the storm will inevitably pass, leaving a freshly reinvigorated world and a sweet scent of positive change in the air.
For now, how can we stay conscious amid the chaos and what exactly is happening? This article is written from a much higher perspective of the current situation; please take only with which you resonate. I have been guided to share these words and let them be a shining light for your consciousness during these tumultuous times.
What is Happening?
There is a myriad of reasons as to why humanity is currently experiencing an upsurge of fear, yet it is clear that a collective purge is taking place. This is mirroring the experiences we boldly encounter on our personal journeys, as fear-based emotions surface in order to be felt and released.
When we view the collective consciousness energy field as we would our own, humanity as a whole must release the dense energies that lay trapped within its energetic structure. Humans have suffered greatly since they fell from heightened states of consciousness. To return home, we are required to clear out lower vibrating energies that are no longer a match to the new frequencies that we are destined to reside in. In doing so, we integrate more light and shift into higher dimensions of existence.
Not a single incarnated soul on the planet during this time will go unaffected by the current situation. Humanity as a whole is all in this as one and together we purge.
Mass Awakenings
Many awakenings do not usually occur when an individual is content and living a peaceful life. It appears that we are often thrown into a shift in consciousness during or following periods of emotional distress. No doubt, the mass awakening that is occurring on the planet will only intensify as a result of this period of emotional turmoil for many. The very foundations that many individuals realities are built on will crumble and a new perspective will emerge through the cracks.
The ascension into fifth-dimensional reality will only continue to escalate. This is the first wave of collective purges that the intuitives have prophesied will occur as the planet moves into the next stage of existence. We intentionally entered this physical world during a time of great alchemical transformation and we are the pioneers for the generations to follow.
Holding Light
As ‘light workers’ and ‘way showers’, we have awakened whilst in physical form. Each of our journeys are continuing to blossom in their unique way, yet we all deeply feel a burning desire to assist humanity and the earth during this time of great change.
By walking our paths and relentlessly striving to become the best version of ourselves, light is continuously pouring into our physical form and we are vehicles for this light. With our blinkers down, we clearly see an alternative perspective that blesses us with excitement for the dawning of a new age to come.
Whilst many are in fear during this time, it is our mission to come in as the light that casts out the darkness. Seeing past the illusion of fear, we are shining beacons of light for those around us and humanity as a whole. This is why we came here.
Staying Conscious
With so much external and internal chaos playing out our lives, it can be easy to lose ourselves in this physical experience. It is paramount that we maintain an elevated perspective during this turbulent period for ourselves, our loved ones and humanity as a collective.
We are currently swimming in a sea of intense energies; the current will inevitably pull us under from time to time, yet we will resurface again and again. We may find that we are lost within incessant thoughts, overwhelming experiences and heavy emotions. However, we can always return home by remembering our truth: we are not our thoughts, we are not our experiences and we are not our emotions.
We are immortal spiritual beings living temporary human experiences. Observing our earthly life as it plays out in front of us from a position of detachment will create surrender, flow and acceptance in our daily lives. The more we remember our truth, the more we refrain from being consumed by a sometimes all-encompassing game of physical life.
Be Present
With so much fear sweeping the planet, we can easily be dragged along by powerful fear-based thought patterns that hold heavy gravitational pulls. These thoughts swirl around in our minds and create intense emotions of fear and panic about an imaginary reality that has not occurred. Worrying about fictitious possible future events can shift us into states of unconsciousness for some time, as we play in the fear that the world is experiencing.
Once we awaken from the illusion of overthinking and repetitive thoughts that generate negative emotion, we can use our sword of presence to protect us from creating unnecessary pain. By returning to the present moment, we return to our centre and flow with the current. All the while remembering that the thoughts in our mind are not to be trusted and that a divine plan is unfolding perfectly.
For more information on presence, please checkout the following article:
12 Reasons to Be in the Present Moment
Feel It
Although being present during these times will prevent us from falling into vicious thought patterns, it is important that we do not bypass our heavy emotions as they rise to the surface. We must courageously allow ourselves to be present with our pain body and in doing so we enable emotions to pass through our energetic structures.
When we truly feel our pain, we prevent further trauma and heal past trauma that is resurfacing. By directing our attention into the inner energy field of the body, we feel into our emotion and we release it for ourselves and the collective at large.
Creating Our Reality
We are powerful creator beings and we create our reality based on our thoughts and belief systems. Yet finding ourselves tangled up in so much commotion can distract us from remembering our God spark within.
Numerous theories and speculations are flying around during this time, many of which hold dense frequencies that can easily propel us into states of fear and panic. As creator beings, we design our own personal truths and we are graced with the ability to choose love or fear at any moment. If we choose to focus our attention on a paradigm that is based on fear, we will only create more of this for ourselves.
Being mindful of where we are directing our thoughts and observing the paradigms that we are playing in during this time is crucial for maintaining inner peace and stillness. By remembering our freedom and actively choosing to tune into the positive side of duality, we create our inner and outer world accordingly. Ultimately, we are better able to hold the light that is needed to guide humanity through these challenging times.
This Too Shall Pass
Just as when we are caught in the centre of any unpleasant emotion or experience, we often have the tenancy to feel ‘doomed’, as though it will never pass. This subtle (or often not so subtle) feeling is a delusion and we can find comfort in remembering that ‘this too shall pass’.
Nothing in this physical world is permanent, only the spiritual is infinite by nature. We always move through our challenging times and we always emerge out of our pain. The current worlds events and our own personal difficulties will resolve themselves. The universe dances in rhythm and just as the wave picks us up, it will surely put us down.
Final Words…
As humanity experiences its growing pains, mother earth cradles her children, gently rocking us into a fresh chapter of our evolution. The virus brings with it immense opportunities for change; both physically within our systems and spiritually within our consciousness.
Paradoxically, the current restlessness brings with it a great time of rest as the streets and offices lay empty. By putting our busy lives on hold and removing our attention from the outer world, we are only encouraged to face our inner realities.
Blended within the fusion of energies that presently dwell within the earth’s atmosphere, there is a sense of unwavering unity amongst mankind as we all come together to oppose a common force. This unification graces humanity with a golden ray of earthly oneness that will bring forth the new age.
With Gratitude,
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