Throughout the years of solely identifying with, and becoming tangled up in our earthly lives, we have found ourselves to be caught up in the temporary happenings of our experiences. When we derive our sense of ‘self’ from these experiences, they feel very real and heavy. We find that we are sleeping within an all-consuming matrix, ultimately forgetting our true divinity.
We have become attached to this physical experience in many ways, this article focuses on just three areas that keep us firmly caught up in the matrix; experiences, thoughts and emotions. When we begin to detach from these earthly components, we open ourselves up to the ‘bigger picture’, one that allows us to look down on the mechanical workings of our matrix whilst still playing within it.
Through learning to detach from these three inherently human experiences, an inner split occurs and we create spaciousness within. This newly crafted inner emptiness, allows us to separate our sense of ‘self’ from the experience itself. As a result, experiences, thoughts and emotions have less of a heavy and consuming feel to them. Instead, we stretch our awareness past such events and accept their temporary place in our game of earth.
“When you are detached, you gain a higher vantage point from which to view the events in your life instead of being trapped inside them.” Eckhart Tolle

Experiences or ‘dramas’ are situations, happenings and occurrences that take place in our daily lives. Our physical experience is filled with things that go wrong, the ups and downs are inevitable due to the universal law of rhythm. It is only our resistance to this waving motion that causes our pain. When we accept the destined rhythmic flow of life, we ride the waves and transcend the matrix.
This is of course much easier said than done! Living in the matrix is challenging. Dramas feel and appear very dense, real and important at the time of their unfoldment. When we are faced with any negative situation in our life, we sometimes find that we are triggered into a spiralling downwards motion, our thoughts run rampant and we are thrust into emotional turmoil.
To detach from the all-encompassing dense energy of our outer world experiences, we can practice presence and observation of the self. When we come out of our heads and return to the present moment, we learn to settle into an observer position. In becoming the witness of our life, we are more likely to remain alert throughout our lives experiences. If we can become conscious enough whilst in the middle of an initial trigger, we can see the bigger picture sooner and prevent our descent into the unconsciousness of the matrix.
In our observer position, we can remember a perspective that stretches past the limited viewpoint of identifying only with the drama itself. Our observer standpoint offers us the liberating perspective of the soul. We realise the impermanence of the event, remembering that it will fade away. In this process of disidentification, we also come to remember that we are much bigger than the drama itself and it holds no power over our infinite divinity.
In our observer viewpoint, we watch our lives dramas playing out like a movie in front of us. A level of acceptance has entered our being and within this acceptance lies a fluidity as we flow through the dramas. Importantly it is not necessarily the incident itself that we accept, for at times we must take action to change our life situation. Rather, it is the present moment that we accept, understanding that resisting what life throws at us in any given moment, only prolongs and increases our suffering. It is within this place of detachment and non-resistance that the universe works in mysterious ways. Rapidly, and with a sense of divine order, dramas often miraculously resolve themselves and solutions arise.
“This is my secret, I don’t mind what happens”. – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Our headspace is a relentless breeding ground for thoughts. We are continuously propelled into an imaginary future and an irrelevant past, leaving no space to appreciate the current moment itself. When we dwell in the illusion of thought, we tend to associate our sense of ‘self’ with the voices in the mind. In doing so, we become a target for a ruthless inner monologue instilled with fear and negativity. Such voices can torment our daily lives. Our incessant inner running commentary may sound like us, yet it is not us. Rather, it is just another thread that weaves us into the matrix that we live in.
By learning to watch our thoughts, we rise above them and we become aware of the thoughts that we are thinking. We come to realise that it is the thoughts themselves that cause much of our suffering. Negative looping and general persistent negativity only drag out our dramas and prolongs our painful reactions.
Having acquired an observer perspective of our mind, a spaciousness arises after a thought. Hidden within this spaciousness, blossoms a deeper knowing of being greater than the thought itself. Suddenly we are blessed with the freedom to disassociate with the thought that arises and detach from its gravitational pull. Transcending the matrix, we rise above our cruel inner voices and use our sword of detachment to cast unwanted thoughts aside.
Through a courageous process of disidentifying with the voices in the mind, we gradually clear our dusty headspace of the unwanted thoughts that keep us tied down to lower vibrational states. Importantly, it is not the negative thoughts themselves that we are bypassing. We learn to observe the thoughts and accept them. Instead, we exert our power of detachment by choosing not to believe them and therefore inadvertently fuelling them with similar thoughts. When we choose not to energise our negative thoughts, they fade away and we glide through our experiences without resistance and with a deep feeling of peace.
In the light of our new consciousness, we can find freedom away from thought. We are no longer permanently trapped in a world where our thoughts take control and have a heavy all-consuming feel to them. Instead, we find ourselves in a reality where thoughts are nothing more than tiny entities that can be fuelled or ignored according to our inner preference. We now awaken to a world that is free from the chains of the mind matrix.

Emotions in all of their beauty, are what make this unique earth game a joyful experience. Yet we also drag our emotions through our lowest moments in this life. When we are met with an emotional uprise that feels unpleasant in the body, we can learn to approach it from a place of detachment without denying ourselves of an intrinsic part of the human existence.
Emotion is the bodies reaction to the mind. For this reason, we only fuel and intensify an emotion with thought. When we become conscious of an emotion within us, we can choose to detach from the drama and the thoughts that accompany it. We may do this by focussing our attention on the feeling inside our physical body. Having isolated the emotion, we see it for what it is; nothing more than energy-in-motion.
The matrix has programmed us to bypass our emotions. We deny ourselves of truly feeling our feelings by layering them with inner and outer distractions. When we bring presence to the emotion and focus on the inner energy field of the body, we allow ourselves to boldly plunge into the depths of the emotion inside of us. In this place of presence, we see past the matrix distractions and truly feel into the emotion itself.
The energy that appears as emotion holds a unique vibrational frequency. Some emotions feel pleasant because they vibrate rapidly, allowing for more light to pass through them. Such emotions are able to pass through the body with ease and we are elated with an airy spaciousness inside of our being.
Other emotions vibrate with less speed and without such transparency, they are unable to let large amounts of light pass through. Consequently, they feel unpleasant to the human being and they do not pass through our physical structure with ease due to their dense and heavy nature. To avoid these painful emotions from becoming trapped within our energetic bodies as trauma (only to rise up again in the future), we are called to bring awareness to our emotions and feel them.
By shining the light of awareness onto our dense emotions, we allow them to move through us quicker. In our heightened consciousness, seeing past the fogginess of the matrix, we now view our emotions as impermanent energy that simply surfaces and releases. We remove labels of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as we allow emotion to be as it is, without trying to ‘get out of it’. In our place of acceptance, we no longer resist our emotional ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ and instead flow with them.
Our new found inner detachment from our emotion opens up a spaciousness around our pain and it loses its grip on us. We no longer feel consumed by the heaviness inherent within dense emotion. Instead, we observe it, feel it, accept it and release it, all the while settling into a feeling of it no longer mattering as much. In our place of non-resistance, we glide through our emotional uprises with ease. It is with our emotional blindfold removed, that we rise above the limiting perspective of the matrix.
Final Words
Whereas we once believed that we were totally trapped in our matrix reality of experiences, thoughts and emotions; we now discover than another reality is possible. Although they may be beautiful and inevitable components of our human experience, without shining the light of awareness onto them, they keep up trapped in a restricted illusion. The matrix can keep us imprisoned within these experiences for an entire lifetime. Conscious detachment from them, allows us to burst through the barriers and awaken to our inherent freedom, limitlessness and divinity.
Our new perspective is a consciousness that allows space for our human life to unfold. We do not try to move out of our experiences as they occur, rather we accept them for what they are without attachments. This process of detachment could be considered to be a disidentification process as we gradually uncover what we are beyond them.
Having been consumed by our physical surroundings, humanity now awakens to a greater existence of an infinite spiritual nature. As an evolving species, we follow our deep-seated yearning for freedom and gradually we ‘unplug’ from the matrix. Now we awaken to a new game of life with a fresh perspective that is overflowing with clarity, peace, and meaning.
With Gratitude,

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