About Me
It seems strange to talk about ‘me’ on a blog that is written to explore what we are beyond the ‘me’! My story and the person that is known as ‘Jasmine’ is mearly the ‘little me’ and it is through disidentification with my limited sense of ‘self’, that I am awakening to an infinitely deeper truth.
Nevertheless… 🙂
We all feel at our core that this physical existence is not as it seems or as we have been led to believe.
A large number of people on the planet at this time are finding themselves propelled into a spiritual awakening process; each journey unique and possessing its own sort of magic.
Initially, I experienced a sudden burst of an indescribable shift in awareness – this is what I now to refer to as the ‘intellectual awakening’. From here my entire concept of reality radically broke down and transformed.
Eventually, I felt intensely compelled to let go of what no longer resonated in my life and to instead follow what did.
So I followed my passion for travel and blindly embarked on a trip with the intention of completely surrendering to the intuitive guidance of my deeper self. This drastically increased my connection, faith and trust in the intuition as it led me on an unimaginable journey of incredible experiences, healing and self-discovery.

It seemed that a higher power was working in unison with the universe as everything was perfectly designed to deepen my awakening.
Amongst the freedom and solitude found through solo travel, I gradually peeled away the layers of conditioning that society had placed upon me. At my core, I began to unravel my personal heartfelt values; adventure, connection, nature, creativity and above all freedom.
As I worked on my internal world allowing my deeper self to walk me through a process of inner work, I gradually manifested a life that reflected the newly emerging version of myself. I continue to live in alignment with my values and embrace a nomadic lifestyle; the road, nature and inner guidance being my biggest teachers.
There came a point in my journey where all I truly desired was inner freedom. I have since developed a burning passion for the philosophy of non-duality through practising self-inquiry and presence. It seems that we may conceptualise many spiritual teachings, yet we can truly sense our spiritual nature through creating inner spaciousness and dis-identifying with our thoughts and emotions through observation of them.
When we awaken our ‘beingness’ beyond the thinking mind, we bring our ‘true self’ into our daily lives. Ultimately discovering an inner stillness that is peaceful by nature and undisturbed by turbulent earthly happenings. This to me is freedom and freedom is our birthright.
We believe we have chosen to be here on the planet during a time of great change as the earth shifts into a higher vibration of existence. The consciousness of humanity will mirror the earth’s transition.
If we consider the root cause of the unrest and sheer insanity that we see within humanity today, its a matter of consciousness. Humanity has forgotten its inherent oneness with all life. As a result, it has increasingly identified with the separate ‘self’, and through wanting to enhance this ego identity, it has developed an appetite for power, control and greed.
We may have fallen deep into the negative side of duality, yet rapid change is on the horizon as duality itself merges.
If humanity collectively and suddenly experienced an awakening (sensing their inherent interconnectedness), they would not harm one another because in doing so, they realise that they are harming themselves.
Human beings are waking up and together we remember our oneness, bringing heightened levels of awareness, compassion and love into this world.
So back to the ‘little me’. Amongst all of the soul searching, I found a deep love for writing along the way. I do not claim to be a teacher but perhaps a guide for those that resonate. The articles on this blog are simply messages that are written based on current themes and revelations on my journey. They are a documentation or a diary of sorts. As well as a source of guidance, comfort, information or inspiration for you on your journey.
Awakening is an alchemical transformation that takes place within us. Our consciousness transfiguration reflects the miraculous transformation of lead into gold. This alchemical process is taking place within our emotional, energetic, mental and physical bodies.
The process can be challenging to say the least, the burning up of the ego presents a rhythmic flow of highs and lows. Yet I have found that every day presents a profound sense of wonder, magic and amazement as I uncover and remember all that I have forgotten.
With Gratitude,

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