”As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.” -Eckart Tolle
I have uncovered a place of awareness, comfort, stillness and above all peace. I go there often because it is always with me and can be accessed at any time. My transcendental resting place takes the formless shape of ‘space’.
We often stumble across spiritual teachings that encourage us to cultivate inner spaciousness. At first words such as ‘space’ and ‘stillness’ may seem cryptic and rather ambiguous, creating much confusion within the curious mind of the spiritual seeker. Yet ironically, it is the mind itself that must be put aside to truly embody inner spaciousness.
The concepts that I will unravel in this article will likely create an opening within you, however, it is your practice that will truly enable you to bathe in the peace of inner spaciousness, transforming concepts into ways of ‘being’.
What is Space?
Reality is comprised of the physical realm (objects) and the spiritual realm (space). In order to comprehend the spiritual realm, we must stretch our mind past the concept of ‘things’ and ‘form’ and instead consider ‘no-thing’ and ‘formlessness’. It is within the nothingness that we begin to discover our spiritual existence beyond our physical body.
Knowing that our true nature is that of ‘space’, when we cultivate inner space we create an opening for our true ‘self’ to reside. This is the aspect of us that transcends the physical dimension and connects us to all that is. In ‘space’ we leave the identity of ‘me’ behind to instead dwell in an egoless dimension of oneness.
For this reason, our entire spiritual practice may be simplified with the understanding that to awaken spiritually all we must do is clear out the ‘things’ to make way for the ‘space’.
‘Space’ is our true power, interconnectedness, intelligence and consciousness beyond our human existence. For this reason, we may rest comfortably in spaciousness, allowing our divinity to shine through and knowing that a higher power will take care of the rest.
For more information please visit the following articles;
Awakening to Space Consciousness and Object Consciousness – Eckart Tolle
Who Am I? Integrating the I AM Presence

Where and how do we cultivate space?
As I venture along my journey of discovering the realm of spaciousness within my inner world, I have come to realise that space can be found in a myriad of places. Once an area for space is located, I find myself compelled to undergo the patient practice of carving out the ‘things’ within my inner universe to widen and expand the space further, ultimately allowing my true divinity to shine through. As a result, I find myself living from increasingly higher states of consciousness and my entire way of viewing existence is shifted.
These are the three main areas that I focus on:
1. Creating space in the mind.
Thoughts in the mind often appear as an endless flowing stream that speeds up and slows down. Yet when we consciously observe the mind, we come to realise that thoughts arise one after another with a tiny space in between. Upon such revelations, we come to realise that thoughts are more like fallen leaves floating upon the stream itself. The thoughts representing objects and the water being the space that we seek.
If we direct our attention into the space between our thoughts, we discover a place of pure awareness and peace as we dwell within a thoughtless mind. This place of stillness is free of ego and offers an infinite opportunity for self-realisation.
Creating gaps between thoughts in the mind is a practice that can be done through choosing to become more present in life. When we are present, our attention is out of the sleepy mind and awake in the moment.
Frequent and consistent mediation is a powerful tool when crafting a spacious mind as it offers an opportunity to truly observe the nature of thought. Meditation also allows us to develop focus as we intentionally delve deeply into the space simply to rest there for increasing durations of time.
For more information please visit the following articles;
12 Reasons to be in the present moment
Empty the mind with this simple yet powerful visualisation
2. Creating space between the experience and the true self.
So often we are lost in the illusion of our earthly life. To maintain a heightened level of awareness as our life plays out in front of us, we must become the observer of our human experience and create a sense of detachment from it. When we detach, space floods in between the newly crafted gaps.
Through observing our life events, thoughts and emotions, we gradually integrate a life-changing awareness. This allows us to detach from such experiences as we realise that through an ability to observe them, we are not them.
Much to our astonishment, our new consciousness graces us with the ability to see the bigger picture. Rather than blindly being swept up in our emotions, thoughts and experiences, we instead float above them from a place of detachment. When we are detached we create space between the experience and our true nature.
The space allows us to become less reactive, to instead maintain awareness as our life unfolds in front of us. For example, if we are triggered, rather than projecting anger at another, we instead possess the space to become aware of when the emotion is arising and it fails to unconscionly control us. If a negative thought arises, we possess the space to recognise the thought as a false identity and we may use our freedom to let it go. If we experience a drama in our life, the space allows us to surrender into it allowing it to play out on a screen in front of us.
For more information please visit the following article;
Detaching from the 3D Matrix | Freedom From Experiences, Thoughts and Emotions

3. Creating space in the emotional body.
Emotion is simply energy-in-motion. Negative emotions carry a dense vibrational frequency that if not felt properly at the time, will remain caught within our energetic structure (otherwise known as trauma).
This collection of past pain is stored within us and we will continuously manifest situations for it to rise to the surface. When an old emotion surfaces, we must shine the light of awareness directly upon it to allow it to move through us.
As we undergo a process of releasing our pain-body, we remove what is no longer needed within us, gradually hollowing out increased amounts of space. It is in this space that we may flow through life with more ease and less disturbance from our past.
For more information please visit the following article:
The Pain Body – How to Consciously Navigate and Dissolve Painful Emotions
Final Words
When embracing the space, an alchemical transformation takes place as our small egoic sense of ‘self’ dissolves into the vastness of empty space, gracing us with a sense of interconnectedness with all life.
Perhaps it is foolish to think that we could ever really comprehend the immense power that is accessed in space or what is occurring within it. Presides, using that which is of the dimension of ‘form’ such as the brain and words to describe the ‘formless’ is simply an impossibility.
Nevertheless, space enables us to master physical reality as we integrate the miraculousness of our true nature into our physical existence. It enables us to begin to transcend limited perspectives of the egoic self to instead exist from an elevated point of awareness whilst still living a physical experience.
Such mastery in this lifetime brings with it not only a sprinkling of mysticism but also the greatest peace and freedom as we glide more effortlessly through creation.
With gratitude,

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