Lately, I’ve been contemplating the nature of time. Though the existence of time is evident and can be seen in the gradual rotting of an apple or the slowly emerging wrinkles upon one’s skin, a much deeper truth can be found.
When diving into the depths of self-inquiry and observation of one’s thoughts, we come to realise that time is merely an illusion created by the ego-mind, seeking to survive through repeatedly projecting itself into the past and the future. In this present moment, the past and the future are simply illusionary visions and thoughts that appear and disappear within the mind-space. Perhaps then, only the moment is real and thus the most precious thing we have. However, time remains a man-made concept that we are largely a slave to on a daily basis.
Deeper truths aside, we live in a dimension where the unfoldment of time is still very much an inherent experience. I like to believe that time is not so linear but instead works in a spiral motion, mirroring the Fibonacci sequence found in nature and the formation of galaxies. As we travel along the coil of time we spiral back around to similar experiences that play out in our lives, yet appear in slightly different circumstances.
I recently felt overwhelmed with beautiful nostalgia. A peculiar emotion that to me, carries a sense of both sadness and joy. I found myself lost in the delusion of time and it’s movement that appears so fleeting and yet simultaneously, so gradual. The memories of one’s life feeling so fundamentally significant yet realistically hugely insignificant when the bigger picture is realised.
Nevertheless, time carries with it an abundance of human emotion and I have channelled my personal emotional energy straight into the inspired words written in this poem. Ultimately I seek to share my personal revelation that the ‘good ole’ days’ always seem to be happening right before my eyes and thus I will savour each moment in all of its wonder.
Reminiscent visions flicker and flash through my mind
Sparking bittersweet sensations of beautiful nostalgia
Unlocking pockets of time and giving life to the memories
Tiny moments dotted like stars amongst a spiralling galaxy
Holding much significance yet none at all
I become aware of time as liquid melting through my fingers
It gathers and solidifies in sparkling pools below my ageing hands
And yet the dimension of time carries with it the misconceptions of its nature
Dwelling in times once had, missing the ‘good ole days’ right before my eyes
And the timeless present moment with the memories in their true creation
The baby steps, the laughs, the love, the wonder and awe
As a child I stretch my personal coil of time with a thoughtless mind
Solely focussed upon the little window of world between my eyelids
And as an adult I strive to live the wisdom and magic of my youth
In this present time, I cherish and savour the fleeting taste of life
Knowing deeply its meaning whilst it unravels before my misty-eyes
A silent clock is the sound of gratitude for precious time
I will not wish it away, I will hold it close, whatever form it takes
Knowing deeply its meaning in the visionary ghosts of future days
And as I allow the flow and momentum of time to carry me along
I love my growing number and the souvenir creases upon my skin
I walk as an accumulated star cluster of tiny moments along the way
And when the gift of time kisses me goodbye
Perhaps I’ll witness a flash of my decades in an single second
Smiling with fulfilment and appreciation
For a life once lived and a life to remember

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