Revolution of Consciousness

The Art of Inner Alchemy

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As you explore the pages on this blog, know that the right information will find you.

How to Use Visualisation To Instantly Create Your Reality 

Picture in your mind, a flower. What colour is the flower? You may not be able to explain how you are 'seeing' without seeing but you are, this is your mind's eye. I view my ability to visualise as a superpower that may be utilized at any moment to create, manipulate...

How To Use Heightened Awareness To Process and Master Your Emotions

When venturing down the road of heightened awareness, you tend to become increasingly masterful of your emotional experiences. Through learning to view emotions from an alternative perspective, no longer are you consumed by all-encompassing emotions as they occur....

A Step By Step Guide and Explanation of My Current Meditation Practice

Meditation is a superpower. It has changed my life in unimaginable and countless ways over the years. I could never have foreseen how a simple practice could be so powerful, creating a butterfly effect in my world and transforming my entire perception of existence....

Identify Your Values- Information That Changed The Course of My Life

Your values become your destiny' - Ghandi Each of us is gifted with our very own inner guidance system, directing us towards our personal truths; an inner fire of sorts that lights us up and moves us from within. When we choose to utilise our inner compass and walk...

What is Space? 3 Ways to Cultivate Inner Spaciousness

''As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to...

How Free Are You Really? Finding Freedom During Constricting Times

As human beings, we naturally yearn for freedom. We feel an alluring pull towards liberation; such attraction appears to be imprinted upon us, predisposed within the very make-up of our beingness in this lifetime. It is not the ego-personality that strives for...

A Personal Journey of Romantic Relationships During Awakening (6 Life Changing Revelations)

As we dance through our spiritual unfoldment process, we gradually awaken from a dream world and our perspective of just about everything radically changes; romantic relationships are certainly no exception and a prominent theme for many! This post is by no means a...


Lately, I've been contemplating the nature of time. Though the existence of time is evident and can be seen in the gradual rotting of an apple or the slowly emerging wrinkles upon one's skin, a much deeper truth can be found. When diving into the depths of...

Mind Attacks and How To Transcend Them

Sometimes the mind can become wild and seemingly untameable, with every charging thought resembling an animal-like quality, creating an inner stampede within the headspace. This is the mind attack. We all experience mind attacks however if we are practising...

6 Tips to Master Your Reality and Shift Your Perspective In Challenging Times

Humanity is at a turning point in its history and great transformation rarely happens without a surfacing of old pain and a crumbling of belief systems. During this much-anticipated transfiguration process, we have been shaken to the core and challenged both on a...

Overstimulation and How It’s Numbing You To Life

Are you ever reluctant to do the things that you know make you feel good? Like walking in nature, exercising, reading, meditating or eating healthy food. Do you ever feel bored when engaging in these activities? Then you're probably over-stimulated. We live in a...

11 Realisations About The Mind That Changed My Life

In recent years I have undergone a series of illuminating realisations about the mind that have changed my life forever. I have discovered an unparalleled sense of freedom and my suffering has greatly decreased whilst I continuously cultivate a purer sense of inner...

How To Cultivate Unconditional Happiness Through Spiritual Practice

It seems that almost everything we do in life is an often unacknowledged attempt to feel 'better' in some way.  As humans beings, we possess a deep-seated yearning for peace, joy and happiness in our earthly experience. Yet, many are seeking such emotions in an...

Powerful I AM Affirmations For Self Mastery

‘I AM’ is the power of creation itself.  'I’ is the creative factor of the universe. The creative power that is inherent within your very being, it is the God that you are. ‘AM’, is the movement of that creative force, it gets the energy going in a...

Do You Feel Good Enough? Discovering True Worth

We grow up in a world that conditions us to derive our 'worth' from our external environment. Whether it's through physical appearance, career, wealth, social status, relationships, or even likes on Facebook; we are constantly striving to prove our 'worth'. Hidden...

Insecure About Your Physical Appearance? | Why We Care and A Soul Perspective

Physical appearance has been a reoccurring theme in my life ever since I was a young child. As a teenager, I felt suffocated by the pressures of the modern world and its obsession with outer 'beauty'. The conditioning that I received from society still lingers in my...

Empty The Mind With This Simple Yet Powerful Visualisation

The mind is a relentless breeding ground for thoughts. We only have to observe the mind machine during meditation to realise its incessant nature. On my journey of gradually quietening the busy inner chatter, I have intuitively discovered a powerful visualisation...

The Pain-Body – How to Consciously Navigate and Dissolve Painful Emotions

Most of us that wander the earth during this time are carrying an accumulation of past pain otherwise known as the 'pain-body'. Since the planet is undergoing a major transition, it seems that we are increasingly confronted with these trapped energies. Through the...

Spiritual Ego and How to Tame It

Do you feel a deep inner resistance when reading the title of this article? Our ego wants to remain hidden because once it is revealed to us, it can no longer survive. The following words act as great beams of bright light that uncover the dustiest parts of our...

Awakening to Space Consciousness and Object Consciousness – Eckart Tolle

Observe the room around you, what do you see? You may recognise an assortment of objects that surround you, perhaps you wouldn't take time to contemplate the space between the objects? Yet the space is the essence of the room. We have spent our entire life focused on...
‘The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not “the thinker.” The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence.” – Eckart Tolle
The Human Experience

The Human Experience

The Human Experience You came here to feel the bubbling of emotion The whirling sensation in the...