When we embark on a mystical journey to unravel the mysteries of our own consciousness, our awareness begins to expand. We understand that we are consciousness becoming aware of itself and we feel there is something new birthing within. I AM Presence is the part of us that remembers we are infinite spiritual beings living a temporary human experience. The more we integrate I AM Presence into our minds, hearts and overall beingness, the more we live in the 4th dimension.
The I AM Presence introduces a fresh perspective of reality into our lives, it changes our worldly experience as we gradually shift into the perceptual reality of the fourth dimension. The I AM Presence allows us to see the ‘bigger picture’. When we consciously connect with this component of us, we transcend the matrix of this life and observe it is for what it truly is. As we rise above our earthly experience and feel into the miraculous nature of our universal existence, we truly free ourselves from the limitations of our third-dimensional consciousness.
In the initial stages of the awakening process we learn that we are more than our physical bodies, we begin to disidentify with the lower self (ego) and invite in our higher self. The higher self is a crucial higher dimensional component of us. The I AM Presence, however, is non-personal, it is our cosmic being; it is our position within the universe as a whole.
We see that we are merely a speck within a vast multidimensional grid surrounded by an infinite amount of other worlds, and yet paradoxically we are everything. We are one with source or ‘God’ and therefore a crucial component of everything around us. For this reason the I AM Presence empowers us whilst simultaneously allowing us to detach from our earthly dramas as we observe the true impermanence and insignificance of them. Suddenly, we find ourselves living a totally different experience based on our newfound beliefs about reality itself.
This article explores this new vision that accompanies the connection found within the I AM Presence. When giving the green light for this fresh consciousness to permeate our being, our inner and outer world begins to revolutionize and we live within the fourth dimension.
On initial discovery of the I AM Presence, we are merely dipping our toes in the waters of its full potential. If we were to permanently bathe ourselves in the divine sea of this consciousness, we would be firmly grounded in the now moment. We would be living as a fifth dimensional being in nothing other than heaven on earth. On our ascension process we are evolving our consciousness towards full connection with our I AM Presence and in doing so we move through the fourth dimension.
The I AM Presence connects us to a higher source of wisdom. Although the initial understanding of it may suddenly ‘click’ into place, the actual process of integrating the I AM Presence happens (for most of us) through linear time. During this process, we clear out dense vibrational frequencies that exist within the energetic structure of our physical bodies. Such energies are third dimensional and are no longer a match to our fourth dimensional existence. We grow and feel into our newborn consciousness, this process may be likened to the emerging consciousness of ‘self’ developed through infant-hood. The process unfolds naturally and with divine timing.
This article is not written to outline a specific order of happenings in which an awakening into the fourth dimension occurs. It is instead written in no order, reflecting the simultaneous nature of the past, present and future. It is important to remember that each spiritual unfoldment is uniquely crafted for the individual soul’s experience.
I invite you to share this reality with me, please be mindful that this can be your truth if you so choose. I encourage you to design your own personal truth according to what you resonate with. There is no right or wrong, it just is.
The information presented in this article is written with the intention to expand your awareness and project further light into your awakening process. Feel into the words and follow your heart as it gracefully guides you along your unique path of remembering.
When we acquire knowledge of the I AM Presence, we turn our face towards the blazing sun and shower in its all-encompassing golden rays. Losing all sense of ‘self’ and becoming the golden rays themselves, we experience the I AM Presence for what it is truly capable of.
Conceptualising the I AM Presence gives us a taste of our divinity as we gradually integrate its existence into our thought patterns. Becoming the I AM Presence is letting go of thoughts and settling into awareness. Presence is a direct connection with universal intelligence because a moment of stillness allows for consciousness without thought. Being in the now allows us to peer out of the illusion of separation and into the bliss of oneness.
When we engage our presence, we separate ourselves from the physical world of ‘doing’ and step into the spiritual world of ‘being’, where our I AM Presence resides. For this reason, oftentimes total connection with the I AM Presence whilst in physical form requires considerable meditative practice. This level of spiritual maturity could be termed as full ‘enlightenment’.
Many of us on this path of remembering (especially within the ‘new age’ spiritual movement) are not called to attain full enlightenment. However, seeing the world through the consciousness of I AM Presence presents us with a choice. We either choose to allow the hamster wheel mind to control our lives, or we rise above the voice in our heads and come back to the clarity within the present moment.

Awareness Takes Over Thinking
Our journey with presence usually begins with meditation and observation of the mind. The first glimpse of our true divinity and the I AM Presence is seen as we observe our thoughts, evoking moments of insight. As we gradually disassociate from the mind chatter, we discover that we are in fact the watching presence. Observation naturally slips into our busy lives; we observe our thoughts and emotions throughout the day and our consciousness shifts as awareness takes over thinking. It is within the position of the ‘observer’ that we adopt a fourth dimensional perspective of our earthly life.
At this point we may view the human mind as a computer, accumulating and organising information taken in by the 5 senses. This magnificently designed machine creates patterns based on experiences that we have accumulated over the years. Upon such revelations, we transcend the computerised simulation of the mind and no longer permanently dwell within the illusion of thought.
Now that the first layer of presence is finely coated over the monkey mind, we awaken to our true power within. With our heightened sense of awareness, we can transcend our thoughts, invoking newfound freedom from the egoic mind. With the recognition of the I AM Presence beyond our thoughts we choose not to believe the fear orientated voice of the ego. It is within this divine clarity that we recognise, trust and follow the soft whispers of the higher self.
Maintaining a high perspective of ‘the bigger picture’ is easier said than done, especially during times of emotional pain. Yet we set judgement of ourselves aside as we remember that we are still residing in our human bodies, living out our human lives.
We are now graced with the ability and option to consciously choose our thoughts more often. We are continuously aware that we only perpetuate negative thought patterns by feeding them with similar thoughts. Instead, we more often choose to jump off of the hamster wheel mind, out of the cage of the illusion and back into the liberation of the present moment.
Upon recognition of negative thought patterns that manifest as unnecessary painful emotions, we choose to rise above them. We learn to break the momentum of thought by coming back to the now moment. Thus a genuine desire to be present emerges within us and with our newfound awareness, we begin to choose the present moment more.
We have now learnt to break our habitual compulsion to ‘think’, choosing to deny the gravitational pull inherent within thought. Ultimately we live a more awakened life, away from the illusion of past and future that exists only within the dream of the thinking mind.
The immeasurable benefits of the now moment become apparent and we invite further presence into our life, enjoying the peaceful spaciousness of the now. Settling into presence, we are blessed with a recognition of the infinite beauty within the smallest of things that otherwise would have been missed. Such magnificence in the world was often hidden when we permanently dwelled within the illusion of thought.
We taste the explosion of flavour in the food, we feel the euphoric touch of the water droplets in the shower, we witness the purity in the baby’s eyes and we hear the hushed tones of the tree blowing in the wind. We are astounded to find that happiness is found within the smallest of things and we cease chasing it outside of our self. True ecstasy is found in the present moment, a heartfelt connection with the I AM Presence forms and we become increasingly more fourth dimensional.
When we choose to be present, spaciousness emerges within our consciousness, a shimmering crystalline gate is formed and through it enters the I AM Presence. The basis of our new way of seeing the world lies within the practice of presence because, without it, we would not be able to integrate our I AM Presence and permanently enter the fourth dimension. If we constantly reside in the illusion of thought we are not able to rise above, see the bigger picture and recognise ourselves as divine spiritual beings living a temporary human experience.
The more we become aware of our true divinity, the more we integrate it into our physical life and our vibrational frequency begins to elevate. It is now that a cascading waterfall of light begins to permeate our being and our consciousness can evolve connecting us ever deeper with the I AM Presence and anchoring us into the fourth dimension.

The Law of Attraction
As we gradually integrate the I AM Presence, we recognise our true divinity as an immortal multidimensional spiritual being living an earthly human experience. Our consciousness shifts into higher octaves of existence as we become more aware of our true state of ‘being’. Our inner and outer world rapidly changes to reflect our newfound consciousness and we really begin to perceive everything as energy and consciousness.
Previously acquired knowledge, built solely upon observations using the physical senses within a third dimensional physical reality, are now coupled with consciousness-expanding concepts of a multidimensional universe. Amazingly we come to realise that such realities can be accessed within any given moment. The fixed and rigid foundations of our belief systems built upon years of social conditioning begin to crumble. As they dissolve into the cosmos our tunnel vision suddenly expands to reveal a world so much grander than we could ever have imagined.
We take on a new voyage of discovery, delving into the universal laws that are more spiritual in nature. The law of attraction teaches us that everything in the material world first takes place in the less dense realm of thought. When playing with new concepts we learn to produce our own evidence to satisfy our scientific minds. We observe our thoughts as they reflect into our material world, ultimately changing our belief systems about reality.
We now choose to use our computer minds as immensely powerful creators of energy. Consciously focusing our thoughts, we use them to create forward-moving energetic vibrational momentum, allowing our deepest heartfelt desires to manifest into the physical world. No longer are we a slave to our thoughts but we instead direct them in the direction of our dreams, as we design and create the reality we live in.
Through experience and physical manifestation, we build trust in our intuition or higher self as it guides us. The subtlety of our I AM Presence continues to infiltrate our consciousness and through mastering our world, we feel the ecstasy of our God self, claiming back our true power as a co-creator.
Suddenly and silently, the sun begins to peek over the horizon, projecting the light of further consciousness expansion into our eyes. These light codes bring memories of being a singular fragment within an immense whole, that whole being source or ‘God’ itself. We are now no longer mysterious matter floating through space but we are an extension of source consciousness that is choosing to experience itself through us.
As an infinite spiritual being, every experience we have, every lesson we learn and every life we live, the ultimate creator raises its consciousness by learning about itself. Upon realisation that we are fragments of the ultimate creator, our creative process gains further momentum as we awaken to the ‘God’ flame within.
Now that we understand our soul, we can truly begin to grasp the concept of the soul of the universe through oneness. Within the deepest core of our being, we recall our connection with everything and the I AM Presence within us is magnified, bringing us ever closer to the fourth dimension.
We become a petal within a flower, a singular atom within a crystal or a drop in a vast ocean. Concepts of being one with all life resonate in our hearts as we are gently reminded of an egoless existence.
We are called somewhere within ourselves, to remember dropping our consciousness into a third dimensional earthly plane. It is here that we chose to experience separation within physical form via the use of the ego. The dense vibration of the third dimensional reality allowed us to project only a fraction of our true light into our physical bodies. We now perceive our miraculous carbon structures serving as vehicles allowing us to navigate through this reality. On initial entry, we passed through a veil of forgetfulness and our amnesia in this world could now be seen as the source of all suffering.
Through gradual recollection of our oneness, we ignite the fire of divine love within. It is now that our remembering is sprinkled with compassion and unconditional love for our self and all other consciousness on the planet.
Our fourth energy centre of the etheric body ( the heart chakra); we perceive as the divine light in the centre of our being. With grace, we allow it to expand out until it encases our egocentric minds. We further awaken to the love inherent without us is as we further awaken to our I AM Presence, realising and feeling that we are naturally the embodiment of love. Now we tune into the fourth dimension as we consciously choose to make decisions based on the purity of our heart.
Our newfound awareness brings with it immense clarity of what it truly means to walk the path of the heart. We recognise that within a third and fourth dimensional existence, duality presents us with either love or fear. Now with every action taken, we are either adding to the suffering inherent within fear and separation or the peace inherent within the love and oneness.c
Upon integrating oneness into our consciousness, we begin understanding the true understanding of ‘what we do to others, we do to ourselves’. Our increased bond with our I AM Presence and our heart enables us to choose to serve, not just ourselves in this lifetime but others as well.
Now we are called to not only awaken to our own divine I AM Presence, but we ask for it to be integrated within the whole of humanity. We envision the awakening of humanity, where all beings make their transition through the fourth dimension and into the fifth.
Our new bond with our I AM Presence blesses us with an angelic gift; a divine crystalline telescope. When gazed through, it allows us to experience with all our senses, the light inherent within every soul on the planet. When we choose to use our new vision, we recognise that we are all brothers and sisters sharing our own unique experience of reality, all equal as one. The more we use the telescope, the more we integrate this unification into our consciousness. All the while, we remember that the telescope itself only offers a tunnelled vision and there is always room for a further widening of the full picture.
Choosing the path of the heart rather than the mind, we open up to the recognition of the divinity within every soul around us. Egoic separation now dissolves and humanity as a whole is shifted closer towards oneness and peace.
With the mass awakening occurring on the planet, babies are choosing to bring the telescope at birth, whilst many of us undergo re-birth as we experience our new perspective in later life. Gracefully together as a whole, through slow linear time, we shift into the fourth dimension and towards the shining light of the fifth.

Old Emotions Slip Away
Deep within the microcosmic universe of our physical structure, an incredibly profound activity continues to take place. Newly acquired faster vibrational frequencies within us allow for more of our divine light to infiltrate our being. An alchemical transmutation within the laboratories of our body begins to evolve us into higher dimensional crystalline beings.
Our consciousness reflects this transformational procedure and our higher degree of anchored light allows us to float within the fourth dimensions. A new perspective of earthly life emerges as we become ever-increasingly aware of the I AM Presence and story of the soul.
Upon welcoming in a magnificent storm of energy, a grand light is turned on and a greater clarity can be observed. We gain the perspective of choosing to see our earthly dramas play out in front of us. Much like a falcon, we soar above the dense third dimensional matrix whilst remaining very much a part of it. Old emotions that once engulfed our everyday life begin to nullify as we choose to rise above, seeing this life from the perspective of the soul living an earthly experience.
Victimhood dissolves as we truly settle into the notion that our thoughts create our reality; we chose to experience this life when we willingly projected a fraction of our souls light into our bodies. Regret, that once plagued our mind, now falls away as we see that there is a divine plan taking place; everything happens within perfect divine timing to bring us to this very moment.
Emotions are witnessed as nothing more than energy-in-motion, providing us with a liberating sense of detachment from our painful experiences. Lower vibrational emotions such as anger, jealousy and fear are observed simply as waves of energy that pick us up and eventually place us back down, so long as we do not resist their current and instead surrender to the flow of life.
With conceptualisations and integration of oneness, our heart centres glow outwards. We understand and feel that outside of the dualistic third dimensional experience, unconditional love IS our true nature. Our perspective of humanity itself shifts and we leave hatred behind. We forgive the souls that cause us harm as we see into their divinity, understanding that they are souls simply doing the best they can.
As unconditional love emerges from the core of our being, we equally learn to love ourselves. We leave shame, guilt and judgement of our self behind, knowing that we are doing our best at all times. Ultimately we remember that outside of this matrix, our infinite unconditional love for all that is, is reflected right back at us and we are loved beyond belief.
Within the clarity of our heart centres, we merge our spiritual egos with the light, viewing accompanying souls that cross our path as a vibrational match to us and therefore a reflection of us. We view everyone as masters carrying an important message and lesson for us. We honour them with our full attention, opening our ears to their words and our minds to their perspectives.
Judgement slips away as we see others as our self, yet know everyone’s spiritual evolution to be entirely unique to them. We understand that we choose to experience our reality to learn and grow in our own ways. We do not forcefully project our beliefs onto one another, understanding that truth is subjective and right or wrong exists within a dualistic dimension of separation.
In the peaceful clarity of our new perspective, judgement fades into love and we see into the divinity and beauty of our fellow incarnated brothers and sisters. Water is brought to our eyes and we are flooded with higher vibrational states of ‘being’ consisting of love, joy, and peace. Deep within we sense how equal we all truly are.
In our new perspective, we approach tasks from lighter standpoints by choosing to inhabit energies of either enjoyment, enthusiasm or acceptance. In doing so we prevent resistance and maintain our higher vibrational vantage point.
Through our process of transmutation, fear-based emotions, holding lower vibrational frequencies pop out of our energetic bodies. From the perspective of the I AM Presence and further recognition of the spirit, we introduce new-found freedom as we awaken to the transient nature of our earthly happenings. It is now that we cut the chords that keep us attached to the illusion of our earthly dramas, emotions and thoughts. Instead, we learn to observe them from a place of non-attachment and they become nothing more than passing ships in the night.
As we ease into a softer, more gentle life, we continue to flow along a river of love. Naturally, we continue to adopt further I AM Presence into our daily existence. We are now presented with the opportunity to rise above all aspects of our third dimensional life, finding ourselves adopting more of a fourth dimensional mindset as we awaken to living within the fourth dimension.

Healing Within the Ascension Process
It is now that we gently float around in the atmosphere of our heightened awareness. We experience a clarity that is inherent within our increased connection with the I AM Presence and within the consciousness of a fourth dimensional being. Simultaneously we are reminded of the importance of remaining grounded when overwhelming emotions rise to the surface and we are called to heal.
As our consciousness ascends into higher dimensions, we undergo this transition whilst in physical form, making this particular incarnation such a beautifully unique experiment. When taking such giant strides into our newfound consciousness, we project more of our light into our bodies. A gradual process of clearing dense lower vibrational frequencies within us takes place.
We come to acknowledge our bodies as miraculous worlds in and of themselves, holding a collection of vibrational frequencies that have accumulated throughout our lifetime. Dense, emotional, energetic frequencies from the traumatic events faced throughout our human experience, become lodged within our energetic structure as a consequence of not being truly felt and released at the time.
We courageously face painful subconscious and conscious emotional memories as they erupt through the cracks of our energetic being to be felt and released. We learn that trauma is nothing more than energy lying dormant within us. Now we observe as such energies attract similar experiences into our lives, forming patterns of behaviour and attracting similar scenarios that play out time and time again.
Through our inner work, we observe the fragmented parts of our beings that we once pushed away, causing separation within us. Now, as we piece our self back together, we become one and embrace our natural state of wholeness.
Shifting further into our newly emerging consciousness, our I AM Presence projects further light into our body and we clear out the dense lower vibrational frequencies within us. Now our divinely created vehicles can hold more of our true light.
With the heightened perspective of the I AM Presence, we acknowledge emotions as impermanent energy-in-motion, developing an appropriate level of detachment from them. Having the capability to take flight and see the emotions for their true nature is a gift that prevents us from being consumed by the pain of them. However, the I AM Presence reminds us that emotions must be felt in order to pass through our dense energetic structures. We learn to balance our capabilities of detachment with our souls desire to release old energies that no longer serve us and we acknowledge our pain as it arises, honouring it with full attention and presence.
The time of denying our pain and numbing it through distraction and various methods of spiritual bypassing is over. With paying full attention to the pains of our past as they arise, we allow them to pass through our energetic structure quicker and with more ease. In our boat of non-resistance, we flow with the current and fully feel into our painful memories as they gradually drift by.
Our acquired universal intelligence celebrates the emergence of emotional uprises, understanding that our pain ultimately serves our expansion and that with challenging times comes growth. From this heightened perspective, we follow the divine director within. It tenderly holds our hand to comfort us whilst it guides us through challenging times.
Through the clearing process, we observe our inner transformation reflect and materialise into the physical world as we break patterns, release our pain and become increasingly greater versions of ourselves. We can never underestimate the challenges faced during the procedure of metamorphous. Like a butterfly through a natural process and through time, we develop our wings and gradually emerge with fresh eyes and newly acquired freedom.
Inner and Outer worlds
As the vibrational frequency of our dense physical form continues to speed up, we allow more of the light from our true essence to infiltrate our human structures. Deep inside the universe of our human design, the golden rays from the sun of our soul project into us. A majestic forest of giant crystalline structures is grown within.
As we take several steps along the enchantingly beautiful path of awakening, we become familiar with the law of correspondence. It is within this universal law that we repeatedly witness our inner world reflect straight back at us in our outer reality. As our third dimensional carbon frame crystallises, we awaken into the lighter energies of the fourth dimension. We now become living embodiments of the process of alchemical transformation. In the material world, we gaze in astonishment as we metaphorically turn lead into gold.
Within the perspective of the I AM Presence, we begin to see the world through the lens of unconditional love. Our new awareness shines the light on the deepest fears that hold us back from living our divinity in physical form. With our ability to see the bigger picture, we release the dense vibrational frequencies of the fears within us and we remove out-dated belief systems of unworthiness.
Upon transcendence of limiting fears within the ego, we open ourselves up to receiving our deepest dreams in physical form. It is now that we possess the courage and faith to propel our self forward in the direction of those dreams, knowing full well of our capability to create our personal heaven on earth.
We observe our highest excitement become an emotional signpost, upon it written in glowing neon letters; ‘Follow your bliss’. We boldly take on every aspect of our life that is not in alignment with our heartfelt desires and highest human potential. The yearning to follow our heart’s calling continues to transcend the fear that once held us back. Our new perspective of life frees us from problematic social conditioning based on fear and control. We tear down the walls of our limiting belief systems and we charge past our comfort zones only to find brand new levels of joy and freedom. As we gaze around at our brand new life, we see that we have arrived into the territory of our soul’s calling and we are dazzled with passion, inspiration and fulfilment.
The emergence of the I AM Presence triggers powerful feelings of personal destiny and purpose, as subtle memories of our mission on earth are gradually revealed to us. We are totally astounded to find that our entire lifetime has perfectly unfolded to suitably prepare us for our personal calling on the planet.
With our vibration continuously rising, an increased flow of light persistently pours into our world and an entire restructuring and re-wiring of our body continues to take place. As our third dimensional carbon framework crystallises, dormant ethereal strands of DNA within our cellular structures are activated and we undergo miraculous light body transfiguration. As our physical structure becomes more fourth and fifth dimensional in nature, we ascend into higher planes of existence and become increasingly multidimensional within our physical form.
Through the heightened connection with the I AM Presence, we accelerate our ascension process. We now remain consciously aware of the sublime transformation that is taking place in both our inner and outer experience. Through the activation of our 12 strand DNA and our increased multidimensional nature, our new way of perceiving the world is graced with heightened levels of extrasensory perception.
We steadily begin to develop stronger connections with our higher self, our I AM Presence and the rest of the spirit realm. Magic unfolds in front of both our physical eyes and our singular spiritual one, as we are propelled into a synchronistic dream-like daily experience. Suddenly, we experience blissful outbursts of gratitude and unconditional love for existence itself. Now we awaken into an unimaginably beautiful world.
Upon discovery of our increased sensitivity, our inner and outer reality becomes a playground and we perceive everything again for the first time. We find ourselves interacting with a totally new world and like a child, we are born again into a fourth dimensional experience.

The Game of Life
We began our journey of self-realisation within a land of darkness. Tiptoeing along, we allow the candlelight of our heart’s curiosity to guide us. Now, as the glowing light of dawn emerges beyond the horizon, the sky lights up as a tapestry of colours, revealing a mystical kingdom of natural wonder.
We emerge out of the darkness of illusion; the first shimmering rays of sunlight warm our skin and we gaze down at our self for the first time. In the light of awareness, we see that we are a reflection of both the light of the sun and the beauty and unconditional love inherent within the land around us. We feel in our hearts that we are one.
The gradual journey of depicting the soul’s true identity may never end in this lifetime. Yet as the sun continues to rise over us, we will increasingly see ourselves with more clarity. Whereas once we were paddling in a small pond of the limited self, we now find ourselves swimming in a vast ocean of our infinite divinity.
This perspective is the new earth and a new way of living within the fourth dimension; it is our ever-growing connection with the I AM Presence. We move from identification with the ego to identification with the soul.
Upon observing ourselves in this new light, we shift from the fear inherent within the separation of the ego, to the unconditional love inherent within the oneness of the soul. As we embody more unconditional love and oneness, we stand as a beacon of light within an energetic world attracting like vibrational frequencies toward us.
We begin to learn to navigate through a less dense fourth dimensional consciousness. We are increasingly aware of the matrix of reality, although still very much a part of it. Upon emerging recollection and integration of the I AM Presence, we are no longer blindly controlled whilst playing the game of life. Instead, we design and control our lives from our new perspective.
We continuously see ourselves from a soul perspective, as multidimensional beings living a temporary human experience. Crucially, we remember that outside of this reality, there is no duality. As a result, we let go of right and wrong, ultimately transcending judgement. As more light enters our being, we move closer to oneness and duality gradually disintegrates. At this point, we choose to see the world as nothing more than energy and consciousness. The judgement of our self, others and anything around us, begins to neutralise and everything just is.
When emotions arise, we see them through the eyes of the I AM Presence and therefore the now moment. We observe the emotions in the present for what they truly are; energy-in-motion. We understand that the energy is coming up to be released and we grant it with full presence allowing it to pass through. We recognise that the energy is simply doing its job and we do not label it as right or wrong; we observe it, feel it and release it.
With this heightened perspective of emotional release, we purge our emotions quickly and smoothly as they leave our energy field, making space for more of our true light. Such self-mastery does not come easily when emotions feel incredibly uncomfortable, yet the overall remembrance of the I AM Presence and the angelic light of awareness can comfort us in these times. We understand that the pain is simply an indication of lower vibrational frequencies passing through us; such frequencies are not in resonance with our soaring natural vibration.
We now become the ever-growing constant observer of our physical life. We view everything as synchronistic in nature and part of a divine order, none of which is good or bad. We recognise that the unfoldment of our life is happening divinely and we let go of judgements that hold us down to a lower dimensional experience of duality. Instead, we observe the dramas of our life as they flicker past us like a movie, ensuring that we are no longer the central characters of our stories but instead the watching presence.
Now we truly feel the sense of aliveness and I AM Presence in the foreground as our earthly dramas take place in the background. The ability to detach so frequently may take considerable time as we continue to take leaps within our awareness to ground ourselves firmly within the present moment.
One of the most elevating realisations within the fourth dimension and the I AM Presence is that we are playing a game of life. We can choose to dance our way through our human experience, playfully enjoying the miraculous nature of existence and the uniqueness of the time here. We can choose to neutralise our fear with love and remember that outside of this dualistic dimension, all consciousness unconditionally loves everything in existence. No matter what the game of life throws at us in this incarnation, we can always return back to this place of love by simply closing our eyes and breathing into our hearts.
There comes a point within our journey of self-realisation where we sense a soft touch of beautiful nostalgia. As we gaze back to see the dusty remains of our old self, we realise that we will never be the same again. Every moment gives birth to a new version of us and as we connect deeper with our divine self (I AM Presence), we follow our hearts into a lifetime of fulfilment, gratitude and unconditional love.
Complete dis-identification with the ego and total embodiment of the I AM Presence within a fifth dimensional reality is generally a gradual process. The spiritual seeker often requires patience. Like the lotus flower, our consciousness evolution will unfold naturally and with divine timing as the ego gradually loses its energy. The more we dwell within the perspective of the I AM Presence and the fourth dimension, the more of it we will become since our attention is focused directly upon it. Every moment presents a choice for us to remember our true divinity as a multidimensional spiritual being living a temporary human existence.
We consciously identify and interact with our earthly experience as a divine soul, allowing light to pour in through the cracks of our ego identity. Now we welcome in the fifth dimension, consisting of oneness and unconditional love. Our ability to connect with the I AM Presence or our God-self, graces us with the realisation of our formless self within the dimension of form. We now live as a fourth dimensional being, perceiving reality in a totally new way. We identify with our divinity, felt within the I AM Presence as the ‘no-thing’ or the still formless space, which can be recognised between the stars, the words and our thoughts.
We bask in the warmth of our newly found freedom that truly is our birthright. We tune into our hearts to guide us through our mission as awakened souls on the planet. We work with our newly acquired light, assisting the earth’s transition into higher dimensions in our own perfectly divine and pre-determined way.
Life becomes increasingly more dreamlike and full of magic, yet deep within the many revelations and epiphany moments, lies a beautiful sense of energetic resonation that may only be described as a remembrance. As we peel back the layers of forgetfulness, we slowly lift the veil to reveal ourselves as fragments of source consciousness, experiencing itself within an earthly experience.
With the gradual emergence of fourth dimensional living and I AM Presence, we are gifted with the ability to recognise the blazing sun within the centre of our beings. Through the immense power of visualisation, we let the light expand within us. It extends outside of us and we observe as it continues to grow outwards beyond the stars and the galaxies; we now become the light.
The revolution of consciousness is upon us and humanity is waking up. As soul perspective washes over the planet, we see the divinity in our brothers’ and sisters’ eyes. We shower them with unconditional love, we hold their hands and we rise into the golden age, together as one.
With Gratitude,

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