When venturing down the road of heightened awareness, you tend to become increasingly masterful of your emotional experiences. Through learning to view emotions from an alternative perspective, no longer are you consumed by all-encompassing emotions as they occur. Rather you are liberated with an ability to transcend the emotion through the simple act of observation, allowing the sensation to occur without unconsciously feeding it with thoughts. Ultimately enabling the emotional energy to pass through the body, settling into a state of flow that makes for a more peaceful life.
What is emotion?
Emotion is energy-in-motion. Once you let go of thought and feel into an emotion, it is simply a sensation within the body.
This physical reality is made up of energy, with all ‘things’ made up of vibratory frequencies. Emotions that harbour a slower frequency create an unpleasant heavy sensation. Whereas emotions that hold a faster frequency allow more light to pass through them and therefore feel lighter and pleasant. Positive emotions are more difficult to observe, firstly because they don’t carry such a density to them and secondly because we often don’t even realise they are there due to their sometimes subtle appearance.
When you learn to master emotions, you come to realise that the relentless and often unnecessary thinking that accompanies emotion is actually more uncomfortable than the act of observing the sensation within the body of the emotion itself.
Stuck Emotion
Energy-in-motion that holds a slower vibrational frequency does not pass through the bodies energetic structure with ease and may instead become trapped and lodged within the emotional body. This is especially true if the emotion is not dealt with sufficiently at the time, unfortunately, such emotions will continue to rise up from within us to be dealt with and this haunting emotional experience may be otherwise known as ‘trauma’.

Feeling the Feelings
To ‘deal with’ emotional energies as they arise, you may allow them to flow through you with the act of presence and observation. We often engage in various coping mechanisms to avoid feeling our feelings, this creates a repressed emotion that creates problems in the future. You will often attract circumstances into your life where the repressed emotion can rise to the surface, resulting in repeated patterns and general havoc in your daily experiences.
By allowing yourself to feel the sensation within the body, you process it and allow the energy to flow through the energetic body. Energy flows where intention goes. When you become aware of such sensations, you may feel different emotions to be located in different parts of the body. As you master and play with the energy-in-motion, you may watch it shift around and eventually dissipate altogether.
Remember that we often make negative emotional upset something to be avoided and we try to get away from it. This practice asks you to boldly face your emotions and acknowledge the notion that it’s okay to feel how you are feeling, knowing it will pass eventually.
When engaging in this masterful practice, you will begin to notice how rapidly emotions may arise and subside when they are simply granted attention. Subsequently, there is an element of flow that seeps into your life as emotion is allowed to move through. You are less likely to find yourself burdened with lingering thought patterns, difficult circumstances or general emotional upset for longer than is necessary and you are elated to find how mysteriously your life situation resolves itself.
Drop the Story
Perhaps the most challenging part of working with energy-in-motion is developing the ability to separate the emotion itself from the story that the mind creates about the emotion. For example, if you are triggered and emotion arises, the actual circumstance and thought patterns that gave rise to the emotional response are completely irrelevant when processing emotion and may be discarded.
Our focus can then go into the inner energy field of the body where the sensation can be felt.
Emotions can be very heavily charged with accompanying thoughts therefore learning to drop the minds chatter is a practice that is developed over time. I have found that a consistent daily mediation practice gives rise to an alternative perception of thought where you are better able to detach, observe and drop thoughts. To truly ‘drop the story’ you must realise on some level that you are NOT your thoughts and simply the observer of them.
For more information on the practice of detaching from thoughts, please visit the following article; Freedom From the 3D matrix | Detaching From Thoughts, Feeling and Emotions.

Step By Step Guide
If you have time to be present in meditation with emotion then the following steps can be undertaken.
1. You become aware of the fact that you have an emotion arising within you.
2. You choose not to turn to external distractions (food, drugs, tv socialising etc…)
3. You lay or sit down comfortably and direct your attention into the inner energy field of the body and you feel into the sensation. Where is it located? What does it feel like?
4. You watch as thoughts related to the emotion arise, you let the thoughts be there and then you drop them without following the thought stream.
5. Be aware of any flashbacks or memories that may arise and allow them to unfold (you are potentially allowing root traumas to surface and may be taken back to past events).
6. You really feel into the sensation and may choose to practice various visualisation exercises whereby the emotion is seen leaving the body. You may choose to practice the mantra ‘I am completely here with you now’. You may breathe into the sensation with the inhale and let the energy go with the exhale.
7. Have faith that the light of awareness will dissolve the energy in diving timing.
Don’t be discouraged if the emotion increases in intensity or does not dissipate over a long time. Regardless of how much time you can spend with the emotion, you are shifting it in ways that you couldn’t imagine.
Feeling emotion does not have to be done whilst sitting quietly and in many cases, this is not realistic when living a busy daily life. However, through ingraining this practice into our awareness, we bring the act of feeling our emotions into our daily activities and are able to truly feel into our emotions as they arise throughout the day no matter what we are doing.
Final Words
We are living in a time period where we are being asked to transmute lower vibrational energies within us to make space for higher frequency energies that will continue to heighten our awareness. For this reason, the current energies that reside on the planet are conducive towards healing our emotional body and you will often find yourself flowing through emotional uprises and quickly returning to a place of peace.
This practice has the power to truly transform your life in a multitude of ways. Since embarking on a journey to truly feel my emotions, I now view negative emotion as something to play with rather than to be feared and ran away from. I have noticed a state of flow in my life as I am less likely to allow triggering events to linger in my thoughts or emotional body.
I now feel less burdened by the ghosts of past events, I have broken many negative repeating patterns in my life and I generally feel a lot lighter within my emotional body. Above all, my awareness of how emotion and thoughts can be mastered has given birth to a life of more freedom, peace and joy.
With Gratitude,

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