It seems that almost everything we do in life is an often unacknowledged attempt to feel ‘better’ in some way.
As humans beings, we possess a deep-seated yearning for peace, joy and happiness in our earthly experience. Yet, many are seeking such emotions in an ever-changing outer reality, only to find their inner emotional state to mirror the impermanent nature of the physical world.
Over the past few years, I have felt a pure sort of joy expanding within me. I would describe it as an underlying peaceful happiness that is stable, consistent and not so dependent on what happens in my life. It can instead be described as more of a state of ‘being’ that glows and emanates from my core.
I’ve not mastered unconditional happiness by any means, however, I can certainly write about the concepts and practices that have awakened me to a peeking taste of transcendental bliss.
Where are you looking for happiness?
We are conditioned to believe that happiness is found in the world around us and I do believe that this is a good place to start when striving for a high vibration in our day to day life. We must take action to create a life that is in accordance with our heartfelt desires.
The beginning of creating happiness from within is found through connecting with one’s self and discovering what truly makes our heart sing. For example, if we value adventure, connection, passion, freedom and creativity; we can aim to manifest a life that is in alignment with these personal values.
However, placing our entire search for happiness in the outside world will set us up for great disappointment and emotional turmoil. If we are not happy in ourselves, our outer life can represent a heavenly paradise, yet inside we are dwelling in a hellish type environment.
Here are some common examples of how we often strive to achieve happiness;
– Career
– Material objects (cars, houses, clothes etc..)
– Wealth
– Travel
– Physical appearance (plastic surgery, losing weight etc.)
– Relationships (leading to unrealistic expectations and co-dependency).
Seeking happiness in these areas may provide a temporary fix and then leave us wanting more. Many possess an ‘i’ll be happy when…’ attitude and chase happiness in goals that when met, are never quite satisfactory. Happiness always seems just out of reach as the bar is continuously raised.
The outer world around us is part of the dimension of form and therefore it is impermanent by nature. We can be sure that any surface-level positive emotion that is derived from our outside experience, will simply reflect the ever-changing nature of the physical realm.
It is for this reason that in order to experience an unwavering state of deep happiness, joy and peace, we must turn inwards to our eternal spiritual essence.

The Natural State of Being
Happiness is a surface emotion (energy-in-motion). It vibrates at a faster frequency than negative emotions and therefore it feels good, yet it comes and goes because it is a temporary manifestation in the world of form. The difference between happiness and unconditional happiness is that the latter is a state of ‘being’.
Our natural state of ‘being’ is one of peace and bliss. As we temporarily inhabit our physical form, we navigate this reality using our mind that reshapes and transforms our natural energy. What we are past the filter of the human mind is simply energy vibrating at a frequency of pure love. Just as the clouds may obstruct the sunlight, the shining sun is always there.
Through awakening and connecting with our spirit, we gradually clear out the layers of unconsciousness that led us to forget our inherent divinity. Upon waking up to our infinite, powerful and godly nature, we are elated to return to our essence of tranquillity and joy; gradually living more from our natural state of ‘being’.
For more information check out this article;
Who Am I? Integrating the I AM Presence
There is a myriad of ways that we can gradually move into and embody our natural light. One life-changing practice is to get out of the mind and into the moment through presence. The purest sense of joy is found in the world around us.
When practising presence, we train ourselves to take time to notice the paradise of patterns, colours, textures, aromas and sounds that are always available, yet usually drowned out by the inner chatter of the mind. Through recognising the beauty in the smallest of things we feel a rising passion, gratitude and awe within, whilst we celebrate the aliveness of the world around us.
Through practising presence, we let go of thoughts and create spaciousness within the mind. It is within this opening that our true divinity can shine through. Beyond the thinking mind, we dwell more within our true state of ‘being’, experiencing stillness, peace and serenity.
For more information check out this article;
12 reasons To Be Present

Become The Observer
Another transformational practice that awakens us to our true power and limitlessness beyond the physical body is to become the observer of our reality. This is a consciousness that seeps into our everyday experience as we begin to disidentify with the physical world and inhabit more of our spiritual nature.
Human life is composed of experiences, thoughts, emotions and sense perceptions. We can practice the art of observing these aspects of life as they unfold in front of us. Gradually we find that we are able to detach from such earthly happenings and experiences because we realise that through the ability to observe them, we are not them.
Witness consciousness forms the basis of unconditional peace and happiness. It enables us to see the ‘bigger picture’, instilling a deep sense of freedom as we see past the limited perspective of our mind, emotions and daily experiences.
In our position as the observer, we gradually come to accept and surrender into the inevitable ups and downs of life, creating a more sustainable feeling of deep inner peace and happiness. Ultimately, we shift into the perceptive of the soul as more of our true essence floods into our beingness.
For more information on this please click on the following link;
Freedom From the 3D Matrix | Detach From Experiences, Thoughts and Emotions
Final Words
Uncovering a state of unconditional inner happiness derived from our natural state of ‘being’, is a masters practice that may take us a lifetime to fully achieve. Yet every passing moment, we are waking up from the human dream.
It seems that although our slumber has been long and arduous, our awakening is happening at a rapid pace. The energies that currently reside on the planet are highly conducive to explosions of consciousness erupting within the earthly experiences of many humans at this time.
We are here at a time of great change and when we transform our awareness, we transform the masses as they too wake up to the illusion of temporary happiness found in a material world.
We came here to both revel in our humanness and embody our spirituality. The more we wake up to our magnificence, the more we savour our earthly experience and rest in lasting happiness that is found deep within the consciousness of the new earth.
With Gratitude,

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