There is a deep sense of freedom that can be felt, one that arises not from focusing on external creation, but through turning our attention inwards and addressing the mind. This is a freedom like no other because it has the power to relieve the human being from suffering. When we learn to rise above the mind, we dissolve the cage of our personal imprisonment and we are exposed to the blissful rays of freedom from the mind.
The greatest addiction that humanity faces at this current time is the addiction to thinking. We think so much that we have come to believe that we are the thoughts themselves. We hear the thoughts like voices in our head and we believe the voices because they sound just like us. Unfortunately, this leads to enormous amounts of suffering. We allow the ruthless inner chatter in our head to control us and we become a slave to our thoughts.
The thoughts that we think are otherwise known as the egoic mind, these thoughts are completely conditioned from the past. Since the moment we were born, we began to identify with the egoic mind and this is where we derived our sense of ‘self’. In other words, we began to believe that we actually are the thoughts in our head and consequently, we fall prey to the negative voices.
What we are beyond the mind is infinitely more powerful and divine. The true self is an emerging consciousness that is already awakening within you whilst you read this. It awakens out of the realisation that you are the observer of your mind.
Freedom is an aspiration for the human race. This inspired drive doesn’t come from the egoic mind, it comes from the soul. Your soul yearns for freedom because freedom is your birthright and it is your natural state. Your innermost being gently calls for a revolution within the inner workings of your own mind. Beneath the layers of egoic thinking, there is a deeper truth waiting to awaken within you.
“The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not ‘the thinker'”– Eckart Tolle
Some experience an impressive explosion of disidentification from the ego. For many (myself included), awakening to the true self has so far been an on-going process of subtle identity shifts that occur naturally and spontaneously. This article is written from the deepest corners of my heart to inspire you on your journey of awakening from the dream of ego.

The egoic mind will incessantly fill our every moment with thoughts, yet the vast majority of those thoughts are useless and unnecessary. The mind will project us into the future and past, pulling us into the illusion of thought. Consequently, we miss the only reality that exists in any given moment: the present.
The human’s compulsion to think is the egos way of distracting us from the now because in the present moment, the egoic mind cannot exist. Whilst we are lost in the realm of thought, we miss the intricate details in the beauty around us. Inner freedom begins by making the choice to come back to the present moment, where peace from the mind chatter can be found.
By opening up to presence, we invite more power into our mind space because we are presented with a tool that can be used to escape incessant thinking. The ability to catch one’s self in the middle of a thought stream and to redirect back to the present moment is a divine gift, representing our true power as the observer of the mind. We really begin to break through the barriers of our limited consciousness when we invite observation into our life.
Meditation can be used to practice noticing and observing the egoic mind at work. In meditation, we may sit and consciously become the watching presence of the mind’s chatter. The ability to notice thoughts during meditation gently seeps into our everyday life. Gradually, we create a tiny split from the egoic mind and we begin to become the silent observer of the voices.
A large trick inherent within the controlling nature of the ego is its ability to convince us that we are the thoughts themselves. Yet, with an increasing ability to observe the thoughts, our consciousness further awakens to a new sense of ‘self’. We realise that we cannot be our thoughts because we are increasingly floating above them. Subsequently, we transcend the lower confinements of the mind.

The practice of becoming the observer enables us to claim our power back, yet the ego is cunning by nature and it will try its best to survive. The egoic mind will convince us that the more we think about something, the more we can grasp it, resolve it or ‘figure it out’. The truth is that when we give in to the voice, we feed the mind with unnecessary thoughts that circle round and round. Desperately we search for an ending that only paves the way to overthinking, worry, anxiety and general emotional turmoil at times.
The only ending to the chaotic stream of unnecessary thinking can be found within the stillness of the present moment. Upon realisation of being trapped in the grasp of the egoic mind, we may choose to exercise our powerful position as the observer and return to the present moment, ultimately breaking the momentum of thought.
The egoic voice in our mind may attempt to hold onto its power by saying, ‘I just need to sort this out, then I will be present’. This is the ego’s desperate attempt to keep us out of the now moment because in the present it can no longer torment us. Rising above a relentless stream of thought can be difficult; we are undoing years of being lost within the clutches of the mind. The voices in the head move quickly at times and they can be loud and overbearing. We may be so lost in thought that our position as the observer is forgotten because we are overwhelmed by the situation at hand.
Our mind chatter has a gravitational pull that sucks us in. The thoughts themselves hold powerful vibrational frequencies that act as a magnet attracting similar thoughts and this creates a powerful momentum that carries us along. Although we hold the power to break free from this momentum, it can be difficult. We must try to remember to be gentle with ourselves. When we create inner judgement for not being present enough, our ego comes in through the back door!
Gradually settling into the position of the observer is a powerful and liberating experience that will be completely unique to each of us. One way to anchor into the present moment at any time is to come back to our breath or direct our attention into the inner energy field of the body. When we turn inwards, the mind chatter instantly stops even only for a split second.
As we begin to recognise and observe the voices of the egoic mind, we become aware of how exaggerated and unrealistic it can be at times. Projecting laughter onto the voices in our mind takes away the power of the egoic mind because the ego dwells in seriousness. Importantly, it also begins to create a crucial sense of detachment from the voices themselves.

None of us are on this self-transformation path if we weren’t already following a deep-seated calling within us. On my journey, I found that once I really decided to activate my free will and make the concrete intention to choose presence, a major reshaping of my mind patterns occurred.
Engaging self-discipline and making presence a habit kick-started an immense influx of new experiences. We can read endless information about transcending the limitations of the mind, yet we may never truly experience it until we make the active decision to integrate those teachings into our everyday life.
Anything can be a spiritual practice if we choose it to be. When talking to a friend we can offer them our complete attention. When walking down the street we can observe the scenery around us. When we wash our hands we can feel into the water. Every time we catch ourselves thinking unnecessarily (most of the time), we can choose to simply turn our attention to the present moment and feel it with all of our senses. We may promptly return to the illusion of thought, however, this exercise increases our overall awareness and we gradually claim back our true power as the observer.
As we continue to be the observer of our now moment, we more frequently jump out of the illusion of incessant thinking. Gradually there is a newfound ability to observe our thoughts more frequently. The more we uncover our position as the observer, the more we strip the egoic mind of its power.
Making the decision to incorporate presence into our life will gradually invite in more of, and increase our overall remembrance of, the I Am presence. In other words, we awaken to an awareness of the infinite spiritual being that we are. Presence not only changes the way we see ourselves but the way we see our entire worldly experience. Over time, all of our senses become increasingly heightened and we are in awe at the miraculous beauty of the physical reality around us.
(For more information on the I Am Presence, please click on the following link; Living in the 4th Dimension and I AM Presence).
Within the stillness of the moment, the spaces between our thoughts begin to widen and presence now seeps into our lives naturally and with ease. Our consciousness undergoes major transformation whilst we invite in more of our divinity. As the ever-increasing observer of our thoughts, we begin to recognise the egoic mind at work and we make the decision not to believe the negative voices that bring us down. We have entered a space within our consciousness that understands we have a choice not to believe what the troublesome voices say.
Realising that we have a choice to actively choose presence, is crucial when striving for freedom from the mind because it increases overall awareness. After all, the egoic mind is fuelled by unconsciousness, it does not want us to realise our true power because in doing so, we only recognise its power over us more. The egoic mind has thrived on our lack of ability to recognise it because when it’s recognised, it no longer exists.
Now as we gradually wake up from the illusion of thought, we suddenly see the bigger picture and more frequently detach from the negative mind chatter that we once thought to be our true identity.
This newfound awareness enables for a smoother ride during challenging circumstances as generally, it is the excessive mind chatter that only adds to an uncomfortable situation. We awaken to our freedom because the days of permanently dwelling within the unconsciousness of the egoic mind are gone.
We no longer completely identify with our thoughts. We are instead able to assume the position of the silent watcher of our own life movie, rather than participating as the main character. With this new detachment from thoughts, resistance is less frequent and we flow gently with the current of our earthly life.
‘Thoughts are mental mind dust that blinds and chokes” – I Am That, Sri Nisaragadatta

On our courageous journey to inner freedom, we find peace in remembering our divinity, detaching from our thoughts and returning to the present moment. We observe our egoic mind and break free from thought streams that we once blindly followed.
The overthinking of negative thoughts usually ends up manifesting into unwanted emotions. However, we reside in a time-space reality where emotions are part of our experience and our outer world will inevitably trigger emotional uprises.
Emotion is simply energy-in-motion and each of these energies hold a particular vibrational frequency. The emotions that feel uncomfortable hold dense and low vibrations; they feel painful to us because they are not in energetic harmony with our natural state of being. When we are faced with an overbearing emotion within our physical body, it is important to grace it with presence.
When our now moment presents us with painful emotion, we can choose to direct our attention inwards and feel into the inner energy field of the body. When we grant our emotion with presence, we truly feel what we are feeling, rather than allowing the egoic mind to distract us by feeding the emotion with further thoughts. As courageous souls in physical form, this can be one of the most challenging aspects of our earthly experience, yet it can also be one of the most rewarding.
When we feel the emotion rather than thinking it, we shine the light of awareness onto the energy within us. As a result, the energy does not remain trapped within the energetic makeup of our being and instead passes through us like water. Inviting presence into our emotional experiences, allows us to release painful emotions that we once locked away inside our energetic body and it also prevents us from creating further trauma.
We now invite a whole new flavour of freedom into our life. With our newfound awareness, we are able to consciously become present with our emotions, yet remain detached enough not to be consumed by them.
With our newly acquired awareness, we bask in the light of inner liberation. We may not permanently dwell within the peace of the present moment and we may find that we are sucked back in by the egoic mind at times, yet a disidentification process is well underway.
As we continue to claim our power as the observer of our thoughts and emotions, we decrease our identification with the fear-based thoughts in the mind. This split from the egoic mind turns into an ever-increasing spaciousness between our true state of being and the thought itself.
Hidden within the warmth of this spaciousness is freedom from negative streams of thinking. Now we no longer identify with the thoughts that criticise, judge, and victimise our very existence. Instead, we rise above these egoic voices in the mind and come back to our observer position. A new self-love begins to blossom within.
Upon waking to the ‘bigger picture’, we less frequently find ourselves lost in the illusion of negative thought patterns for long periods. Our awareness now enables us to wake up whilst in the dream of thought; worrying, holding grudges, taking things personally and general overthinking begins to slip away as a result. A clearer world is on the horizon, a peaceful existence away from the cloudiness of incessant mind chatter.
The thoughts in our mind no longer control our every moment; they do not consume us and we are not attached to them. This new spacious relationship with thought is a profound shift in consciousness that is truly a gift. The human being lost within the illusion of thought suffers unnecessarily. Whereas, the awakened human being away from the controlling grip of thoughts is free.

Now that we grasp the concept of ‘you are not your thoughts’, what we are beyond the mind begins to immerge. Within the gaps between our thoughts and the stillness of the present moment, our divinity peaks through. Without the labels that we once placed on the world around us with thinking, we instead feel the true essence of it. Inherent within the labels used only by the mind, is a sense of separation from all that is. Inherent within the stillness beyond the mind and its labels, is a sense of connection with all that is.
Although we once completely identified with our thoughts, now we are not totally burdened with the separation that is within the makeup of the ego. Upon transcending the egoic mind, we draw in our connection to all life and a profound sense of oneness can begin to be felt. As we now dwell more within the realm of feeling rather than thinking, we make the journey from our minds to our hearts.
Love Yourself
Waking up from the dream of thought is a process that, for many of us, requires patience and love. Just as a child, we are born again and with fresh eyes we see into both the physical and spiritual worlds. During this process of self-realisation and mastery, we must love ourselves as a mother would love their child.
The path of transcending the mind can be challenging at times because the egoic mind wants to hold on. Therefore, as we uncover our divinity, it is important to be easy with our humanity in the meantime.
Some days we will feel connected to the moment and our true self, the next we may feel lost in the grip of the egoic mind. We must strive to be aware of when we are judging ourselves; the ego is cunning. It will try its best to distract us from being the observer, yet it will criticize us for not being the observer enough!
We must be gentle with ourselves, we are waking up to our true self whilst in physical form. Undoing the layers of ego identification that we began accumulating since the moment we were born, is a journey that can be difficult, yet nothing short of profound.
Importantly, when loving ourselves on this journey, we learn to love every aspect of us, including the ego. When making an enemy of the ego, we feed it with hatred and fear. However, when we project love and acceptance onto it, we dissolve it. (For more information on this, please click on the following link; Recognising The Ego and Merging With Your Higherself ).

We are infinite spiritual beings living a temporary human experience. When we become the observer of our thoughts and feelings, we invite in our divinity.
Paradoxically, to gain control and claim our inner freedom, we must let go completely and surrender to the flow of our earthly life. It is resistance caused by the egoic voices within the mind that create much of our suffering. When we accept whatever we are presented with in the moment, we learn to flow with the stream of life.
Importantly, we must not believe the ego when it tells us that transcending the mind is impossible. Freedom is our birthright and knowing one’s self as the awareness behind the voice in the mind creates a deep sense of freedom. Freedom is a crucial component within the evolution of consciousness and as we enter a new stage of existence, the years of enslavement due to mind identification are over. The compulsion to think has kept us trapped in the illusion of separation within the third dimension for long enough.
As we make the transition into the new earth, we enter fourth and fifth dimensional ways of being. The light of the new age is upon us and we awaken to our true nature by moving away from identification with the voice in the mind. As a tidal wave of awareness hits the planet, the great flood reveals that we are all drops of water within a vast ocean. As awakened souls, we boldly step into an infinitely deeper physical experience this lifetime.
With Gratitude,

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