As human beings, we naturally yearn for freedom. We feel an alluring pull towards liberation; such attraction appears to be imprinted upon us, predisposed within the very make-up of our beingness in this lifetime. It is not the ego-personality that strives for freedom, rather the soul that expresses a deeply ingrained knowledge of the truth: freedom is our birthright.
I feel a burning passion within me whenever the subject of freedom is raised. It has been a central theme in my life ever since I can remember. I feel strongly drawn towards helping people claim their freedom and wake up to their inherent power beyond the illusory barriers that appear to be placed before them.
In these times, the earth and its inhabitants are undergoing a major transformation and this can be seen within the current pandemic that has affected every human being on the planet. Many find themselves confined to their homes and subject to an ever-changing set of rules. A sense of personal freedom has been lost amongst many as they are forced to withdraw from the everyday activities that they may have once taken for granted.
In this article, we will venture into the depths of freedom to truly uncover what it means to find liberation.
Claiming Power Through Wisdom and Knowledge
On my personal journey of gradually uncovering a true sense of freedom, I found spiritual awakening to reveal layers of caging that I wasn’t even aware of. To a large extent, we are trapped within the limiting confinements of society’s conditioning, mental constructs and belief systems: the matrix.
Through studying spiritual universal laws, we open our sleepy eyes to a magnificent world way beyond what we had previously been led to believe. Such laws infiltrate our consciousness with the light of awareness and we find freedom through hidden mystical knowledge. Such gnosis enables us to better play in the reality that we live in.
The law of attraction is the most popular of the spiritual laws. It grants us an incredible sense of freedom whilst we remember and utilise our inherent truth as creator beings and the immensity of the power contained within the human mind. Limiting concepts of existence itself previously acted as the substance that formed the restrictions placed upon humanity, yet it is the law of attraction and other universal laws that smash through many barriers imposed upon us.
It becomes apparent that rigid belief systems and closed-mindedness act as steel boxes that keep us tightly enclosed within them. An open mind and flexibility within one’s ways of perceiving the world opens us up to a liberating shift in perspective that can totally transform our life, gracing us with a freedom like no other.
Upon waking up to the magic and magnificence of life, we learn how to create our human world and with the practice of universal laws, we begin to integrate wisdom and mastery.

Transcending Fear
Upon awakening, through our sleepy eyes, we begin to see into the illusion of fear and its devastating effects on those that succumb to its seductive nature. As we gaze down upon the population from an elevated position, we can better see how the emotion of fear is strategically used to control the mass population.
We see that fear imprisons entire societies, propelling them into a state of compliance that subsequently weakens them, blinding them to their inherent power. Consequently, many ‘sleepwalk’ through life conforming to a system that may not resonate with their deeper truth.
Choosing to not play in a paradigm of fear is a choice that can be made by those that have awakened to the illusion of fear and the ultimate truth of love. Such clarity places us at a crossroads when approaching life and its continuous options. With blinkers removed, we consciously choose love at every fork in the road knowing that it will lead to freedom. Walking the path of love we choose to infiltrate it into all aspects of our life including conversation, media exposure and thoughts.
Divine Orchestration and Surrender
Upon working with the life-changing law of attraction, we begin to paint our reality with the colours that appeal to our innermost truth. However, regardless of how much we consciously create our physical experience, we remain subject to the unfoldment of divine orchestration.
Divine orchestration refers to a mysterious force at work in the universe, one that cannot be totally understood or comprehended by the human mind. There is a perfect unfoldment of events in our life, one that brings us exactly what we need to evolve spiritually. We may begin to grasp the idea of divine orchestration by looking back at our life and realising the intricate order of events that brought us to this very moment, shaping the person that we are today.
So whilst it is true that we may sculpt our human experience based on what we create using our mind, we will inevitably undergo the hardships of our earthly life as they divinely play out in front of us. Such unfoldment of life’s ups and downs are beyond our control and it is control itself that only perpetuates our suffering. Challenges are an intrinsic part of the human experience and true freedom is found through accepting this.
We must be the ripple upon the body of water, naturally allowing the force to move us along our path, resistance-free. Cultivating surrender and trust in our journey and letting the fluidity of life glide us along, has the power to bring ultimate freedom simply because it liberates us from much of our pain.

Witness Consciousness
Since life will inevitably bring us challenges and instances where we feel a lack of freedom, the problem is not the event itself, rather it is what our mind says about the event that keeps us truly incarcerated.
The voice in the mind that sounds just like us, in fact, wears many faces. One hour it may whisper positive thoughts, the next bombard us with negative ones. The thinking mind is deceitful, untrustworthy, two-faced, dishonest and above all, controlling.
It seems that the mind operates incognito as the greatest prison in our world, and it exists within our own headspace. We must turn our attention inwards to address the mind, in doing so, we shine the light upon its walls, exposing it, outsmarting it and eventually dissolving the walls altogether. Only then can we feel the blissful rays of the glowing sun as it generates the lasting sense of freedom that we are seeking in life.
To truly transcend the limiting confinements of the human mind, we must begin to see our true nature beyond it. We must stop identifying with the thoughts and create a sense of ‘I’ that is instead the observer of our thoughts. Through our ability to watch and witness our mind, we begin to shift into an entirely different awareness, gaining a higher perceptive.
Witnessing the mind is a practice like no other. It enables us to transcend challenging events through detaching from the mind’s thoughts to instead see the bigger picture. Our life is changed forever as we are enlightened to a sense of flow and simplicity. We are no longer slaves to the tricks of the mind, dwelling in our higher vantage point, we are as free as the birds that fly.
Little Me VS Big Me
The pure taste of lasting freedom possesses the flavour that our taste buds crave. Perhaps such liberation can be accessed through becoming aware of our true existence and embodying this awareness. Is this the state of the enlightened ones? To be knowing of our truth beyond the physical dimension allows such masters to glide through life with an attitude of ‘nothing really matters’.
Science has proven that the body consists of empty atoms, concluding that we are in fact 99.99999% space. The material aspects of the body (form) may represent our physical existence and the vessel that allows us to navigate this world (the ‘little me’). The ‘big me’ represents the vast space (formless), the nothingness, the spiritual self. This part of us is inherently divine and connected to all that is, it needn’t worry about freedom because it is freedom.
No matter how deeply we commit ourselves to the path of personal development and spirituality, we will continue to be subjected to the influences of social conditioning and the ways of the world. However, an increasing sense of freedom can be found through developing our ability to disidentify with the ‘little me’ that is pushed and pulled by our worldly happenings.
The journey of awakening to the glowing light of our truth presents us with a never-ending staircase that is gradually climbed one shift in awareness at a time.

As Within So Without
My heartfelt primary message is that the key to freedom manifests through transforming our world from the inside. Travelling back to the spiritual laws, we may consider the ‘law of mirroring’ and the profound saying ‘as within so without’.
These spiritual insights tell us that all begins in the lighter spiritual dimensions and then eventually manifests into the physical. An example of this can be understood through the recognition that any human creation once began as a singular thought in the mind of an individual. This intangible stream of thought and an inspired vision eventually gained enough vibrational momentum to project itself into the physical world. As we find freedom from within, our outer world will manifest accordingly.
Final Words
Blaming others or our outside experience for our perceived lack of freedom is a mindset that will lengthen our suffering and keep us trapped within the fear-based controlling nature of the mind. Nobody and nothing can control our ‘beingness’, we are solely responsible for cultivating peace through mastering and transcending our thoughts and limited awareness.
There is a shining light within us, it takes the shape of consciousness, without which our physical body would be as lifeless as drooping sunflowers on a winters day. The blazing consciousness within possesses an inherent freedom that can be drawn upon right now through simply dropping the continuous stream of thought and resting in stillness.
With Gratitude,

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