Observe the room around you, what do you see? You may recognise an assortment of objects that surround you, perhaps you wouldn’t take time to contemplate the space between the objects? Yet the space is the essence of the room.
We have spent our entire life focused on the ‘things’ in our reality, however, we may only see the meaninglessness of things and objects when we are on our deathbed. Just as the physical body tires and grows old, no ‘thing’ is permanent. Space, on the other hand, is infinite. It isn’t until we awaken to the ‘space’ that we are astonished to find our own inner limitlessness.
Object Consciousness
Our world is made up of form and the formless; the manifested and the unmanifested. Object consciousness could be considered to be any ‘thing’. We come to realise that not every ‘thing’ is as solid as it appears and it eventually fades away. This can be applied to thoughts, emotions and general life experiences. These ‘things’ may seem very real at the time but they eventually dissolve through time.
For this reason, when we contemplate object consciousness, we must stretch our mind past the physical realm and into the spiritual where thoughts, objects and dramas are considered to be impermanent ‘things’.
Space consciousness
Visualise for a moment, the night sky. We see the billions of stars or ‘objects’ scattered within the vastness of space. The immense universe above our heads being the macrocosm, we turn inwards to the microcosm within our human structures.
Those that have explored the universal law of correspondence will be familiar with the term ‘as above so below’; in this particular time-space reality, everything is a reflection. Any scientist will tell us that the human body consists of empty atoms and 99.9% of our solid form is, in fact, empty space. With this information, we begin to comprehend the universe that exists within us.
Now we begin to see that we live in a deceptive world full of ‘things’, yet there is an unprecedented amount to be explored within the spaciousness between the things. After all, the boundless space was there first and there would be no things without the space to hold them. Just as the silence holds the sounds and the mind holds the thoughts, things are manifested within the unmanifested. Therefore our human body would not exist without the formless space around us.
Upon reading this information, you have now entered space consciousness. In other words, you have become aware of a formless dimension as well as a dimension of form. If everything consists of form and formlessness, what does this mean when we apply this concept to the question ‘who am I?’.
”We wouldn’t exist without the formless dimension, it is the essence of who we are.” – Eckart Tolle

Who am I?
When we remember the law of correspondence, we only have to peer into the formless space outside of us to realise our own formlessness within; we are the space. Naturally, we will attempt to comprehend ‘space’ by applying our knowledge of ‘things’, however, the space in the room is not tangible. We cannot try to grasp our formless nature by applying any learned knowledge of ‘form’.
When exploring our own precious spaciousness we enter the spiritual dimension within, gracefully uncovering what we are past the physical world. Within this spaciousness lies our true infinite divinity. After a period of exploration into the depths of our spaciousness, we come to know that the vast spaciousness within is deeply who we are.
Just as the night sky consists predominantly of space, we awaken to our infinite universe within. Just as the human body consists predominantly of empty space, we awaken to the spaciousness within our atomic structure. We realise that the physical ‘thing’ our human body, is but a tiny fraction of who we really are and it does not reflect our entirety.
Now we experience spiritual awakening as we no longer completely identify with our physical form and increasingly begin to identify with our formless spiritual nature. The more we dis-identify with the physical the more we can integrate the spiritual.
Tuning into space
I will never forget the first time I was instructed to focus on the space between my thoughts. Sat cross-legged in a dusty meditation hall in a small town in Nepal, I suddenly and unexpectedly peaked into space consciousness for the first time. I experienced an inner depth and stillness that cannot be explained with words simply because a word itself is a ‘thing’. There was nothing in this space, nothing to explain.
This glimpse of inner peace sparked a personal quest that continues to transform my earthly existence. I decided to invite a cascading waterfall of spaciousness into all aspects of my life. With every still moment of presence, I awaken further to my infinite divinity.
As human beings living in this time, we have been programmed to experience an endless stream of thought. This constant influx of thought leaves no room for inner spaciousness. We have become accustomed to dwelling in the dreamy deceptive world of thought and therefore objects.
We may choose to awaken to our limitless essence by meditating and slowing down the busy mind. It is within this heightened state of consciousness (where we are the silent observer of our thoughts), that we can direct our focus into the formless space between them.
This empty space within the mind is crucial when integrating a world of no ‘thing’ because it allows us to let go of our sense of ‘self’. In the very moment that we produce a thought, we identify with the thought itself (the ‘thing’). When we intend and choose to focus in on the gaps between the thoughts, we settle into a space where ‘I’ does not exist. Having excluded our sense of ‘self’, we fully let go of all identification with form and we settle into nothingness. It is here that we enter the formless spiritual dimension.
Remembering the infinite space within the universe above, we now mirror this and awaken to an inner limitless divinity. It is now that we let in our true light as it shines through the ever-expanding space that we have crafted within.

It could be said, that the only way to truly grasp space consciousness is to realise what we are not. Many of us have identified with object consciousness and the physical dimension for our entire lifetime. When we only identify with form, we remain trapped in the physical world and our sense of ‘self’ or ‘ego’.
Unfortunately, when we derive our sense of ‘self’ from object consciousness, we suffer. At the root of our human suffering is separation, the notion of ‘other’, that can only be found within object consciousness. Within space consciousness, there is no ‘other’, no one ‘thing’ and then another ‘thing’. The formless dimension is the spiritual dimension of oneness and our entire perspective of suffering is transformed as we feel a sense of connection to all that is.
We can invite space consciousness into all aspects of our life by undergoing disidentification with ‘self’ or object consciousness. This can be done by firstly learning to settle into a position of the observer of our thoughts, feelings and earthly experiences. In this heightened state of awareness, we have created an inner spaciousness within. We no longer completely identify with our thoughts, feelings and experiences because we are the observer of them and therefore we are not them.
In our position as the observer, when we experience some ‘thing’ in our reality, we are able to make space for it. In this space we do not impulsively react and become consumed by our thoughts, experiences and emotions. Instead, we see the ‘bigger picture’ that is recognised only within the spaciousness.
The space allows us to recognise the impermanence of it all and we allow it to be without resistance. The space graces us with the ability to detach from the objects that appear very ‘real’ at the time because we have been led to think that we are them. This detachment from thoughts, emotions and experiences, brings a sense of freedom in its purest form.
For more information on disidentification, please check out the following article; Freedom From the 3D Matrix \ Detaching from Experiences, Thoughts and Emotions.
What happens when I invite in space consciousness?
When we begin to disidentify with only the dimension of form, we free ourselves from the limitations of it. We are now capable of recognising earthly thoughts, experiences and emotions for what they truly are: nothing more than ‘things’.
Upon such revelations, experiences, thoughts and emotions suddenly lose their heaviness as they are not as solid as we once considered them to be. Suddenly they become passing ships in the night, sporadic stars in the sky, energy within consciousness itself. Just like all ‘things’ they will come and go; what remains constant is the formless space, our spiritual essence, our ‘beingness’.
There is no object without space, the spiritual is the realm of cause and the physical the realm of effect. When we invite in spaciousness, we awaken to the spiritual and become less reactive. In our new consciousness, we are graced with inner peace and freedom whilst living our earthly experience. We now experience flow.

The New Age
We currently reside in a third-dimensional existence. Humanity is experiencing a shift in awareness as the planet moves into a higher dimension of existence. Our time spent lost in object consciousness, where we have identified solely with the physical world, is coming to an end. As we awaken to space consciousness, we are blessed with the opportunity to balance both the form and the formless dimensions within us.
It is now that the rising of space consciousness is destined to transform the consciousness of humanity as it awakens us to our truth. It is now that we claim our freedom and limitlessness whilst in physical form. It is now that our new awareness gifts us with oneness, ultimately eradicating the suffering inherent within separation. It is now that we learn to love both the physical and the spiritual as we rejoice in the magnificence of this lifetime.
This article was based on the life-changing teachings of Eckart Tolle. If you are unfamilair with his work and if you possess the desire to bring spaciousness into your life, I encourage you to read his book ‘The power of now’ and practice presence. For more information see the following post; 12 Reasons to Be in the Present Moment.
For further information on the discovery of your limitless divinity please see the following article; Who Am I? Integrating the I AM Presence.
With Gratitude,

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Wooooooow that was exactly what I needed now and so eloquently written. I love all of your work and it brings me immense joy every time I read an article. THANK YOU FOR BEING THE BIGGEST LIGHT WORKER
Beautifully written, enlightening and uplifting.