Humanity is at a turning point in its history and great transformation rarely happens without a surfacing of old pain and a crumbling of belief systems. During this much-anticipated transfiguration process, we have been shaken to the core and challenged both on a collective and an individual level.
Yet, through drawing on our innate wisdom and incorporating our mastery of self, we adopt a perspective that transcends our challenges, enabling us to glide through them resistance free.
These tumultuous times bring an opportunity to learn how to better navigate the reality that we live in from an elevated perspective, ultimately reducing our suffering and shifting into an entirely different state of awareness.
Here are 5 tips to remember when we find ourselves challenged by both our inner and outer circumstances.
1. It’s not the event, its what your mind is saying about the event.
It is the mind that is responsible for the vast majority of our suffering, rather than the event itself. Our thoughts are what generate the emotion within us and with the repetitive nature of the mind, an untamed headspace may give rise to circulating thought patterns that intensify our experience and prolong our pain.
No matter what event comes our way, we may take shelter in the storm simply by claiming our power over the mind and remembering that through the ability to observe our thoughts, we are not our thoughts.
We are often tempted to believe all the stories and that the mind tells us about a situation that happened in the past or may happen in the future. Yet much of this time is spent dwelling on past experiences that are beyond our control or future experiences that may or may not happen. Through observation of our thoughts, we detach and disidentify from them, gracing us with an ability to choose not to engage or believe in them.

2. Change your belief system and general attitude.
Often a simple change in the way that we perceive an event can totally alter our emotional reaction because our belief systems have changed and the mind can see our situation in a different light.
For example, if we undergo a negative experience we may choose to adopt the belief that everything happens for a reason and that such reasons will surely become apparent in the future. Not only that, but our situation has provided us with incredible opportunities to practice self-mastery, release old trapped emotions within us, and grow spiritually in ways that we could never imagine.
Another example is that when something negative happens in our life, we often get stuck in the disempowering and stagnant energy of victim mode. Instead, we may choose to think thoughts that are more in alignment with the empowering belief that ‘nothing happens to me but for me’.
If we find ourselves in a situation where we are dwelling particularly on the negatives aspects of our circumstances, we can instantly raise our vibration by choosing to find an aspect of our life or the situation that we are grateful for.
You can see that with a simple ‘tweak’ of our belief system and attitude, we switch from a toxic mindset into one that draws on the positives that can be found within any challenge that comes our way.
3. This too shall pass.
Everything in the physical dimension is subjected to the law of rhythm. We observe this in the flow of waves, the beat of the music and the motion of breath. So too does the law of rhythm unfold within our earthly happenings as we experience a range of thoughts emotions and events in our lives that all fall somewhere on a scale of positive and negative.
We yoyo between duality constantly and this is an inevitable part of life. What must be remembered is that whatever circumstance, mindset or emotional state we find ourselves in, it will pass. Though we may feel doomed with no way out, this is an illusion created only by the mind as the ebb and flow of life naturally persist.
We go up and we fall back down, the challenges come and the challenges go. What matters is our ability to master our reality so that we are less attached and reactive to the rhythmic flow of life.

4. Surrender and trust the process.
All too often, we find ourselves feeling intense emotion and we make it wrong. We allow thoughts to circulate our mind such as; ‘I shouldn’t be feeling this’ or ‘how do I get this emotion to stop?’. In reality, we are in a state of resistance and this only prolongs our suffering. To move through our challenging experiences, we must remember that it is okay to feel whatever we are feeling, let the emotion be there and through surrendering into it, it will pass.
Surrender into the experience and allow it to unfold. This does not imply not taking appropriate action where needed, rather be less attached to the outcome that you are trying to create if possible. If we cannot take action to improve our circumstances then we must let go of control. When we eliminate resistance and find flow, we often find that our situation miraculously resolves itself as we rapidly move into a totally different state of being.
Falling into a state of acceptance and surrender requires a certain level of belief and faith in divine orchestration. There is an order to the unravelling of the events in our lives that is both ineffable and incomprehensible. Everything has divinely played out through our life to bring us to this exact position right now, having learned the lessons we’ve learned and created the life we have, is it all part of a much bigger plan that our human mind cannot fathom.
If we adopt this belief, we begin to not only live resistant free but we also see how everything happens for a reason and such reasons will become apparent in due time.
5.Observe emotions as simply sensations within the body.
We have within us, an accumulation of past emotion that was not properly processed and released from the body at the time, this is otherwise known as trauma. Challenging times often trigger this storehouse of emotion and bring it to the surface to be released. Oftentimes the emotions that we hold in the body can even play a part in manifesting our challenges in the first place due to the universal law of attraction. For this reason, we may see similar challenges play out like a pattern time and time again.
Challenges come as major opportunities to release our past pain and make space within, preventing future suffering and breaking any patterns. To efficiently process and let an emotion run its course we must prevent suppression of our emotional uprises through distraction and instead turn our attention inwards to simply be with the emotion itself.
An emotion is fuelled and prolonged by allowing the mind to circulate with its stories. For this reason, we must let our thoughts go and instead focus our attention into the body and direct it towards the sensation itself. When we find the strength and the awareness within to focus our attention on the emotion, we allow it to move through us and it will eventually disperse.
When we treat emotion as nothing more than a sensation that must be felt and released, we hold enormous power for healing and detachment from the challenge itself; this can be extremely liberating and completely life-changing.

6. Nothing really matters (the much much much bigger picture).
Our challenges are taking place within the ever-unfolding story of our linear lives here on earth. Such events, therefore, appear intensely real. Though we may hold the belief that we are spiritual beings living a temporary human existence, we still find ourselves identified with the human self and hugely absorbed in the transient story of our lifetime.
Challenging events and the emotions and thoughts that accompany them are simply stars dotted upon a night sky; our true nature may best be compared to the vast expansive space that holds the stars themselves. This much higher perspective may enter our consciousness in a flash, it may be felt and realised in the deepest meditations or perhaps it is sensed as an underlying stillness and peace throughout times of unrest.
This general awareness brings with it a great detachment from our events as we are able to see the bigger picture. Of course, this awareness can be difficult to ground within us depending on the nature of our circumstances. Nevertheless, the level of truth that the statement ‘nothing really matters’ holds, offers an opportunity for us to transcend any challenge that we face.
Those that have reached a state of enlightenment have mastered the art of such teachings as they continuously dwell within a state of non-resistance, possessing a deep knowing of ones true divinity beyond the physical form.
So in times of great challenge, we may find a glimmer of relief from our troubles by simply gazing up at the night sky, peering into the immensity of creation and remembering that our current experience is but a spec of space dust floating within our extraordinary journey through existence.
With Gratitude,

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