In recent years I have undergone a series of illuminating realisations about the mind that have changed my life forever. I have discovered an unparalleled sense of freedom and my suffering has greatly decreased whilst I continuously cultivate a purer sense of inner peace and joy.
By peering into the astonishing nature of the human mind, I have not only awakened to my inherent power as a creator being but I have ultimately expanded my understanding of what it means to exist in this world.
Here is a list of 11 realisations about the mind that have completely changed my life.
1. Emotions are your bodies reaction to the mind.
In the vast majority of cases, emotions are simply a manifestation of the thoughts that we are thinking. This is the first glimpse at how powerful our thoughts are in creating our daily experiences. Through bringing more conscious awareness into what we choose to think, we can dramatically decrease our suffering.
2. Its the mind that creates the unhappiness, not the experience.
It is not the situation that causes the disturbance within us, rather it is what the mind says about the experience that causes the unrest. Therefore through actively changing our mental attitude towards a particular outer world experience, we also change our inner emotional experience.
3. You don’t have to fill the mind up with thoughts all the time.
We have been conditioned to believe that the mind is a machine continuously producing an endless stream of thought. Consequently, the running commentary in the mind is constant and humans have unknowingly become addicted to thinking. It is possible to slow down our thoughts and let them go, eventually creating space in the mind as ever-expanding gaps between the thoughts begin to emerge.
Through eradicating unnecessary thought, we begin to observe the world around us in a new light, removing mental labels. An object such as a ‘tree’ now becomes something we ‘sense’ rather than ‘think’. Suddenly the world becomes a mysterious playground as we embrace a more tranquil empty mind and feel a deeper connection to life around us.
4. Thoughts are vibrational frequencies.
We live within a sea of energy in motion. Quantum physics tells us that everything in our material world is comprised of various vibrational frequencies. A thought is an energy form carrying a particular vibrational frequency. When we delve into the universal law of attraction, we come to realise that vibration is attracted to that of a similar frequency and resonance.
In other words, our thoughts could be considered to be tiny energetic entities in and of themselves, that attract similar thoughts. Importantly, though recognising our thoughts as energy, we can better comprehend the true nature and power contained within our mind.
5. Your mind creates your reality.
Everything in the material world began as a thought. When we direct our thoughts in a particular direction, we gain enough energetic momentum to manifest our thoughts into the physical world around us. When we wake up to the ‘law of attraction’ and the unlimited creative power of the mind, we can choose to manifest any life that we desire to experience, claiming back our true power as powerful creator beings.
6. Belief systems create your reality.
A belief is a thought that we keep thinking. Once we discover that our thoughts create our inner and outward experiences, we can understand the impact that they have on our life. We only have to consider the placebo effect to realise the power of the mind and its belief systems.
Upon such revelations, we go through a process of identifying our limiting beliefs and we redesign them to be in alignment with our personal truths. In doing so, we manifest our outer world accordingly and there really is no limit to our potential.
7. You can observe your mind.
We have an incessant inner monologue within the mind space that sounds just like us. However, we have the ability to watch our thoughts as they come and go. This realisation is the beginning of a radically new perspective.
When we practice witnessing our thoughts, we transcend the trappings of the mind and detach from the thoughts themselves. Such shifts in awareness are immensely liberating as we are elated to discover and embody an emerging freedom away from thought, whilst simultaneously birthing a new consciousness within.
8. You are not your thoughts or your mind.
We have been taught to derive our sense of ‘me’ from the thoughts in our mind. However, though the practice of observing the mind, we begin a process of disidentification from the ‘me’ that we hear talking in the head space.
Through repeated practice of observing one’s thoughts, the discovery of being separate from the mind is not simply a concept but a sense of ‘being’ that is felt. The information and reprogramming that we experience during spiritual awakening is now coupled with an emerging ‘sense’ of who we truly are.
9. Don’t believe your thoughts.
We are often plagued with critical thoughts that trigger negative emotional reactions within us. Through observation and disidentification from the mind, we come to realise that we don’t have to believe our fear-based thoughts. Instead, we learn to master one’s self by no longer playing into the tormenting voices, subsequently, we take away their power and they gradually fade away.
10. The mind is a tool and a filter that helps us to navigate this reality.
Based on the previous realisations mentioned, we utterly transform our perception of what the mind is and how it functions. Through awakening to the energetic nature of our thoughts, we begin to perceive the mind as a powerful tool that shapes our human experience.
Through disidentifiying with the mind, we come to sense our true spiritual nature and we begin to perceive the mind as a filter through which we channel our energy in this world. The human mind decides what is right or wrong, desirable and not desirable, therefore, it is in fact, the mind that shapes and transforms our energy. Once we learn to master our minds, we become a master of ourselves, ultimately allowing more of our true nature to filter through into our earthly experience.
11. It is the mind that creates separation.
The inner monologue in the mind gives birth to the ‘self’, yet when we remove those voices in the mind, we sit in emptiness. This peaceful stillness is absent of ego and a separate sense of ‘me’. It is within this transcendental spaciousness, that we begin to realise an undeniable interconnectedness between who we are and the totality of the world around us.
Without the illusion of separation, we are all part of the one whole that is creation itself. Upon discovering oneness and integrating it into our consciousness, we see our self in others and with an open our heart, we strive to live a life of love and kindness.
Final Words
My journey into the labyrinth of the human mind has proven to be a fundamental aspect of my spiritual awakening and no doubt I will continue to unravel its mysteries throughout this lifetime. Through a flowing series of astonishing realisations, I have undergone an inner transformation of consciousness that has reflected into my outer experience.
The 11 realisations mentioned are concepts in the mind that with action and intention, will naturally transform into ways of ‘being’ and perceiving reality. As we progress along our journey of self-exploration we come to realise that the miracle of the mind is but a tiny representation of our true magnificence and divinity beyond it.
With Gratitude,

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